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Percy's last letter from Annabeth had come weeks ago, from somewhere in the Caribbean. She was writing to tell him that she wouldn't be able to make it back in time for Wills funeral. No one had seen Annabeth or Reyna since that night. There had been rumors and claims, but nothing solid. A camper from camp Jupiter had taken her spot as praetor, and life was fairly normal again. Wills funeral would be held today, with Nico doing the rights. Percy went up to him.

"Hey, Neeks. You ok?" Percy knew it was hard for him to accept that Will was really gone, and hopes the funeral would give him some closure. Nico turned around.

"Percy, I know this is horrible timing and all, but I've been meaning to ask you this, and couldn't figure out how.

Percy waited, knowing Nico would say what he needed to. 'Uh.. Will you... go.. Out with me? Nico stuttered. Percy looked shocked. "Um. Uh... Yeah! I mean, yes, sure.."

"Cool.... um... " Nico didn't know where to go from there. "Um... can I.. y'know... kiss you?"


He did. Percy pressed his face into Nico's hair.

"I love you, death boy."

"I love you, too."

After the service, Percy's phone chimed. It was sub-zero. 'Hey, salty, come eat something.'

Percy looked around. Nico was looking down at something in his hands. 'If you insist. As long as you tell me who the beautiful black haired boy's name is...' 

Nico's face turned a bright red. Percy sent another text.

'Gotcha, Neeks.' Nico looked over at Percy and stuck his tongue out at him. Percy walked over to Nico and everyone else. 

"Just so you know, you guys are great."

"You're great too, Percy."

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