Internships, Secrets, and Tension

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"(L/n)! You alright? You scared us!"

Eijiro called as she walked into the classroom, bringing everyone else to look at her. (F/n) simply smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine! Sorry if I freaked everyone out with my... Performance," She said, scratching the back of her head. I don't think I want to explain why, either. If they know, they know. With a sigh, (F/n) sat down at her desk and set her bag down as Izuku walked up to her.

"(L/n)... Your father passed, right?" His question made her freeze. How did I not see this coming? "Ah, yes... So you heard?" She mumbled, looking down at the desk. Izuku sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah... Sorry. But just know that if you want to talk, I'm always here! Uraraka is too," He said, giving her a smile. (F/n) looked up at him and nodded. "Thanks, Izuku. I appreciate it..."

Because not many people would be willing to do such a thing.


"So, all we have left is Bakugou's revision, Midoriya, Iida, and (L/n)."

Midnight was the one who proctored the choosing of the names. Almost everyone except for the four names she mentioned had already chosen one. (F/n) blankly stared at her board, the marker uncapped and in her hand. What is it that I want to do? I didn't think choosing a name would be this hard. I could take my dad's... I could make a new one... I could simply use my name...

"She's a monster! A ribbon monster!"

(F/n) shuddered at the memory. No, (F/n), don't listen to that. That was years ago. Don't... Don't listen to that. What would dad want? What would Toshi want?

She took in a deep breath before quickly writing on the board and standing up. "Ah, you've decided?" Midnight asked. (F/n) walked up to the podium and inhaled slightly before revealing her board.

"Ribbon hero: Rib-Girl!"

"How cute and matching!" Midnight complimented. The corners of (F/n)'s mouth turned up before she went back to her seat. Going off of my dad is what I want, and I think he'd want that too. Right?

After the other names had been chosen, it was time to talk about internships. (F/n) had already heard the gist from Toshinori, but she wasn't sure on where she'd go.

"Young lady, you were drafted by quite a few heroes! Honestly, I was surprised at some of the choices you have..."

"That doesn't make sense. How'd I get drafted after what I did at the sports festival?"

"Some heroes are looking for that kind of strength. Remember, very few people know about your situation."


(F/n) shook her head and looked up. Multiple students crowded her desk. "You got a lot of heroes wanting to draft you! That's amazing!" Mina exclaimed, pointing at the paper that had magically appeared on (F/n)'s desk. "Yeah, seriously! How'd you do it?!" Denki asked, and (F/n) laughed uncomfortably.

Help! Get me out of this crowd! "I-I mean... I guess people liked the way I fought...?" Her statement came out as a question, but nobody seemed to notice. After the crowd was sent back to their seats, (F/n) looked over the options she had. None of these are really ideal for my Quirk or strengths... Of course, I could always pick someone else. I'll see what Katsuki's gonna do.

Standing up, (F/n) made her way over to Katsuki, who was also looking over his paper. "Katsuki, who do you think you're gonna pick?" She asked, standing in front of his desk. He seemed to be overly focused on the paper in front of him. "Best Jeanist. Easy pick," He replied, finally looking up. "How about you? You got a shit ton to pick from too, right?" (F/n) nodded and placed her paper on his desk.

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