Kidnapped Katsuki

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"They're still asleep? Aizawa's gonna get mad..."

(F/n) placed her hands on her hips as she stood in the doorway of the boys' room. Honestly, didn't Aizawa call them to wake up ten minutes ago? Letting out a yawn, she carefully stepped over the boys before arriving in front of everyone. (F/n) took the megaphone she had in her hand before turning it on and switching it to "Alarm".

Immediately, a wailing noise filled the room, and the boys jumped up with a start.

"What the hell is that?!"

"God, shut up, shut up!"

After a few more seconds of torture at maximum volume, (F/n) flicked the megaphone off, letting it rest by her side. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauties. Aizawa called you about ten minutes ago..." And I don't see Katsuki. Strange...

(F/n) stepped out of the room and began to walk down the hallway when she was pulled into a closet.

"Fuck, Katsuki, you know how to scare the shit out of someone," (F/n) snapped, looking up. "A little warning next time, yeah?"

"Someone's in a bitchy mood," Katsuki retorted, his eyes narrowed.

"I got zero sleep last night, hon. Now, why the hell did you pull me into a closet?" (F/n) attempted to shift a bit, feeling her ribbons pinned to her neck. He's really close. God damn.

"I wanted to talk."

"Then talk."

Katsuki hesitated before letting out a huff. "I just wanted to see you. Alone," He grumbled, attempting to look away. "Because something is bugging me."

(F/n) raised an eyebrow, shifting again. "Okay... And what would that be?" This isn't good. Did he hear my phone call?

The boy paused. "I've realized that what you say is completely different from the truth," He stated, irritation in his voice. "And it's pretty damn often. Are you trying to hide something? What the hell is going on with you?"

With a quiet exhale, (F/n) spoke, choosing her words carefully. "I... Can't tell you that,"

"Why not? You don't trust me?"

"I thought we had this discussion before," (F/n) said, her voice lowering.

"That was months ago!" In return, Katsuki rose his voice.

"Katsuki, please, calm down!" (F/n) said, putting her hands in front of her. "I want to tell you. I honestly, truly do! But I can't. It's too dangerous!"

An awkward silence filled the tiny closet as (F/n) crossed her arms. Finally. If that went any further...

"...Fine. But you better tell me- and it better be soon," Katsuki grumbled before placing a kiss on her lips. "I can only be so damn patient with you."

"I'm honestly thankful you're patient at all," She responded with a smile. "Considering you, I thought you would've been done with me already,"

"Both of us know I can't get rid of you that quickly."

"Katsuki, you're so mean!"

Katsuki scoffed. "...Let's get outta this closet before Aizawa-sensei tears us new ones,"

"Yeah. Good idea."


"Come on! You can do better than that!"

The students groaned and moaned in pain and exhaustion. It was the third day of their training, and everyone was starting to feel the affects.

From the trees, (F/n) watched her classmates suffer before tilting her head, focusing on listening to the sounds around her.

Pin of Heroes, Pin of Love (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now