Unresolved Difficulties

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Back at her apartment, (F/n) studied her phone calendar, scanning through the marked dates.

"The license exam is soon," Toshinori said as he picked up his plate. "I'm thinking you'll be allowed to go to that, since you are a pro hero."

(F/n) hummed, turning her phone off and flopping onto her bed. License exams, huh... That's where they pit all the schools against each other, right? That means U.A is definitely gonna be singled out... I suppose I'll find out for myself! Oh, maybe I should text-

She froze, blankly staring up at the ceiling.

Oh, that's right... I don't really have anyone to talk to now, right? Covering her face with her hands, she let out a short laugh. I wanna talk to Katsuki so bad... Maybe I should just call him? I mean, it's not like Aizawa will know, right?

Sitting up, (F/n) picked up her phone and unlocked it, briefly smiling at the picture of her and Katsuki as her lockscreen. She tapped a couple buttons before pausing, her finger hovering over the "call" button.

Should I?

You know what? Fuck the rules!

She tapped the button and put the phone to her ear, letting it ring. Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring...

"The person you are trying to call is not available."

(F/n) let out a sigh and hung up, putting her phone on her nightstand and laying down. Well, it was worth a shot. I guess Aizawa told them the lecture too....

She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


"(F/n), you must know something about the world. It is cruel. It will hate you. People will hate you for who and what you are, even when you don't deserve it."

"Yes ma'am."

"You have to take those people down. Get rid of them. They don't belong in this world."

"...All of them?"

"Yes, (F/n). Do you understand?"

"...Yes, ma'am."


(F/n) groaned as she opened her eyes, eyelids fluttering at the onslaught of sunlight coming through her window. A dream? That's weird, it's not the usual one... Although I don't remember that conversation. Wait, do I?

...What was the dream about again?

Shaking her head out, she sat up and swung her feet over the bed, standing up and stretching her back. Another day, another dollar!

She shuffled out into the hallway before moving to the kitchen, realizing that Toshinori was nowhere in sight. Confused, (F/n) blinked before spotting a note on the table. Why doesn't he just text me...?

"(F/n), I'll be helping the students with their training for their licenses. I should be back by the end of the day- Dad"

There was a scribble before "Dad" that made (F/n) laugh. He went to write his name and then changed it...

A "ping" from her room caught her attention, and she walked back into her room and picked her phone up, turning it on.

Katsuki: Don't call, it'll look bad

Katsuki: Just text

Katsuki: And explain yourself dammit

(F/n) felt a smile on her face as she quickly typed in a response.

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