Party Plotter

450 30 18

Pinkie's POV

I walk along the cobblestone road towards Sugarcube Corner, my hands shoved deep in the pockets of my hoodie. I had actually found the hoodie in a box in Sugarcube Corner's basement about a week ago. I vaguely remember buying it a year ago when shopping with my friend Rarity.

Rarity and I do a lot of parties together. She's a total fashionista and drama queen, so whenever she's decorating, everything is perfect.

Actually, Rarity and her fashion crew are helping me with my party this Saturday.

I'm actually really excited for my family to visit. I rarely ever see them. One of my older sisters, Maud, actually visits often, but Mum, Dad, Marble, and Limestone never come by, so this is really special.

I smile to myself as I push open the door to Mrs Cake's sweet shop.

Suddenly, I hear a gasp, and rapid footsteps against tile. All at once, arms are wrapping around me, and the smell of freshly baked cookies and frosting envelopes me.

Mrs Cake squeezes me tight before letting me go.

"Where have you been?" she demands. "Mr Cake and I have been worried sick!"

I stare at her. "Um, I was party planning with my friend," I say, confused. "I left a note on the fridge."

Now, Mrs Cake looks confused. "You did?"

"Yeah." I go into the kitchen and point to a large Post-It note on the refrigerator.

Mrs Cake picks it off and reads it. She looks up.

"Sorry, Pinkie," she laughs. "I had no idea it was there."

"It's fine!" I assure her. "It was probably my fault for putting it there, of all places. How are you gonna find a single note on the fridge when the fridge is already cluttered with notes and pictures?"

"Well, I should have noticed something new on the fridge."

I laugh. "If you say so."

Mrs Cake smiles. "I was worried you wouldn't be here for your own party! Wouldn't that be terrible!"

"I'd never miss my own party!" I lie. Actually, sometimes I do skip my own parties. Parties are a good way to get everyone together in one place so that you have the town for yourself.

But I wouldn't skip this one for the world.

"I'm gonna go up to my room and think of more party treats, 'kay?" I say, heading for the stairs.

"Sure thing!" Mrs Cake says, running back to the cookies she'd been making earlier.

I can feel my expression darken the moment she looks away. I trudge up the stairs and into my room.

Since I didn't exactly have money back on the farm, I couldn't really buy a house. Mr and Mrs Cake have their own house, but they also have a small apartment above their sweet shop. They didn't want to live up there since, at the time, Mrs Cake was expecting a baby. Turns out it was two babies -- twins, a boy and a girl.

Obviously the apartment was much too small, so they had extra space. Now, I live there with my pet baby alligator, Gummy.

The Cakes thought I could act as a guard for the sweet shop, but that didn't turn out so well, as I'm a deep sleeper. Fortunately, the sweet shop has surveillance cameras.

Most people don't know why I moved away from home. They assume it's because it was so gloomy there, and not enough people to throw a party.

Well, that's not exactly true.

I don't really like talking about the reason I moved here, so I let people assume.

Not even Gummy knows.

I fall backwards onto my bed, not even blinking as Gummy crawls on top of my stomach and nestles into my shirt.

I sigh. "Gummy, have I ever told you why I moved to Canterlot?"

I glance down at Gummy. He stares at me for a while before his tongue flicks up and lands on his eye.

I sigh. "One day, I'll tell someone. But only if they're really, really special to me. No offense," I add quickly.

I sigh. Gummy doesn't care. No one cares.

I have homework and planning and other crap to do, but I don't really care. Not right now.



I guess I'd fallen asleep at some point, because when I open my eyes, it's dark outside, and my clock reads 12:46 am.

Gummy isn't on my stomach anymore. He probably got bored.

Yeah, I can be very boring when I'm not trying way too hard.

Like every day.

I roll out of bed and stretch. I shake my knotted hair out of my face and sit at my desk, my notes and plans for the party strewn before me. I stare at the plans for about five minutes before heaving a sigh and continuing my work.


A few hours later, I think I have the party completely planned. All I need to do now is set it up.


I stand and stretch before going downstairs. It's 3:46 am, so Mrs Cake and Mr Cake are asleep at their house.

I'm alone with Gummy and my thoughts.

I don't turn on any lights. I don't like the light, despite common belief.

I walk into the kitchen and run my fingers along the cool countertop, humming to myself.

I pass the knife block and hesitate. I stroke the handle of the largest knife.

"I wonder if they're dull," I say to myself.

I draw the knife and examine the blade.

"Looks fine," I sigh, almost disappointed as I slide it back into place, reluctantly continuing my slow pacing.

A couple hours later, I've actually set up quite a few of the party decorations. I decide to save the rest for later and head for the stairs.

As I pass the kitchen, I hesitate, glancing at the knife block again.

The knives here are so big and sharp....

I glare at the surveillance camera before heading upstairs.

Gummy is asleep on the floor. I creep past him and head over to my bathroom, easing the door shut.

Once safely inside, out of the cameras' hearing range, I open my medicine cabinet. I push aside deodorant, first aid kits, and cough medicine, and grab my hidden razor blade.

Getting interesting yet?? ;) Please point out any mistakes!! If you have advice, I'd love to hear it!!

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