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Dash's POV

"You wanna go? Fight me!"

"I -- I'd rather not.... "

"What's wrong? You scared? Stupid, worthless, that's what you are. You are nothing to no one. People only ever hang out with you for what you have, not who you are. Remember that. You're nothing, your reputation doesn't matter, so fight me!"

"Please.... I don't want any trouble. Can we just --"

She cuts off as my fist connects with her jaw.

I laugh as she gasps and falls to the ground.

Then, she laughs too.

She slowly stands up, her head rolling off her neck and landing with a sickening thud on the ground. Her beheaded body takes a staggering step towards me, her arms slack at her sides.

Her severed head smiles at me as her body takes another step towards me. She laughs again, the sound shrill and hideous, filling the air.

Her cold, clammy hands wrap around my neck, and her laughter grows louder. Her eyes slowly fall out of her head, rolling towards me.

I scream as her hands tighten around me, crushing my throat. I can't breathe. I'm going to die --

I gasp, my eyes flying open. Sunlight filters in through my window, dappling my black blanket in golden light. I sigh and place a hand over my heart.

I shudder. I wish I would stop having that dream.

Last night was the seventh night I've had that dream. Why? I don't know. I wish it would stop. I never get used to it -- it seems as if it gets scarier and scarier the more I dream it.

Today's Saturday. Yay.

I stretch and leap out of bed, my clothes sticking to me with cold sweat. I shower quickly and change clothes before eating breakfast -- four pieces of toast with apple jam, five pancakes, a bowl of cereal, some yogurt, and a glass of apple juice. Then, I leap back into bed and grab a book.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Reading?! No way someone as cool as me could be such an egghead. But I absolutely love this series. Plus, nobody knows I read for fun except for this nerdy girl in some of my classes, but she won't tell anybody. I don't really remember her name, but she's super mathematician-y and book-y and nerdy and she likes to study magic. She has cool hair, though. It's indigo, with a violet and pink streak in it. I'm not a fan of pink myself, but she pulls it off.


A few hours later, I'm almost done with the book when I hear a knock at my door.

I sigh and reluctantly get up and go to the door.

I open the door and am surprised to be greeted by Mrs Cake, a plump woman with vibrant pink hair who works in a sweet shop / bakery nearby.

Ironic name, I know.

"Hi there, Dash," Mrs Cake pants, out of breath for some reason.

"Um, hi?" I tilt my head. "What's up?"

"Oh... nothing... much," Mrs Cake says between breaths. "I was... just wondering... if you've seen... Pinkie anywhere."

I chuckle. "Uh, no. I've been inside all day."

"Oh... okay. Sorry to bother you. Oh, and tell your mum I said happy birthday," she adds before running away.

I bite my lip. That's right. Today's my mum's birthday.

Whatever. It doesn't matter. Mum never cared when it was my birthday, anyway.

So. The annoying little cotton ball is missing. Can't say I'm too concerned, to be honest. She's a little whore anyway. Nobody cares of she's gone.

Maybe she'll be gone Monday, too. Hopefully. She's so annoying, her hair all poofy and junk....

Wait. Why is Mrs Cake even looking for her? It's not like they're related.

Whatever. It doesn't matter. Pinkie doesn't matter.

I shut my door and go back to my bed.

I pretty much read and exercise and eat for the rest of the day, not paying Pinkie much thought.

Finally, at the end of the day, I go to bed.

"Hi there!"

I blink. "W-What?"

Giggles. "Haha! Hey Dashie! Wanna play?"

"No! Go away!"

"That's no way to treat your bestie, Dashie."

"I'm not your bestie. I hate you."

"W-What? Why?"

"You're so annoying and pathetic. You should just die."

"N-No! We're best friends!"

"Wanna bet?"


"You wanna go? Fight me!"

"I -- I'd rather not.... "

"What's wrong? You scared? Stupid, worthless, that's what you are. You are nothing to no one. People only ever hang out with you for what you have, not who you are. Remember that. You're nothing, your reputation doesn't matter, so fight me!"

"Please.... I don't want any trouble. Can we just --"

Punch. Laugh. Fall. Giggle. Stand. Fall. Step. Smile. Step. Laugh. Roll. Choke --

"You miss me, don't you."

I blink. Everything flashes white, then red, then pink, then everything goes black.

"You miss me, you know you do."

"N-No! No, I don't!"

Creepy giggling surrounds me. "Dashie, you're so funny! I'm hiding, come find me! Bet you never will. Want a hint?"

"No, you freak! I don't care where you are! Just leave me alone, you're so annoying!"

A sigh. "You have so much to learn, Dashie...."

"What? What are you talking about?"

More laughter, than silence.

Complete and utter silence.

My eyes open slowly. I stare at the ceiling.

All I can think to say is, "What in bloody hell was that?"

Please point out any mistakes!! If you have advice, I'd love to hear it!!

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