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Mena's POV

Strange objects float in my vision. I try to focus on one of them, any of them. But they just get more and more blurry.

Finally, I capture an image. It's a person watching over me. The person slowly comes into focus.


"You're awake!" she exclaims in relief. Then, her expression changes to anger. "Do you have any idea what the fuck you just did? You scared the shit out of me!"

I smile halfheartedly. "I must have. Sorry, love."

Dash flushes. "W-whatever," she grumbles, looking away.

Suddenly, I realize I'm in an unfamiliar place. I stare at the tubes in my flesh in shock.

"Am I...in the hospital?" I ask, startled.

"Of course," Dash scoffs. "You almost died." Her voice cracks. She glares at me. "Just keep those tubes in you and you'll be better in no time."

"Sorry...." I'm not sure if she hears me. At that moment, darkness takes over my vision.

I see Dash. The first day we met. We'd run into each other in the halls, both of us rushing to class. I'd apologized quickly. She just stared at me. I'd felt super self conscious and ran away.

Then, I see Dash, calling me names, yelling at me from across the track at school. She'd kept her distance. Her friends laughed.

I see Dash whispering insults at me when we passed each other in the halls. I see Dash when she would come right up to me and insult me.

I see Dash's wicked smile. Her fist flying for my face. I feel pain.

I see Dash's worn sneakers as they landed hard on my ribs. I feel my ribs break. Pain. Nothing but pain.

Then, I see Dash alone. Broken. Hurt and abandoned.

I see Dash, laughing. Loving. Happy.

I open my eyes.

It's night. Dash is gone. I guess they don't allow visitors after dark.

I never did tell her why I moved here. I guess I never will.

Just keep those tubes in you and you'll be better in no time.

I stare down at the clear, foggy tubes in my arm and chest. Unblinkingly, without regret, I yank both from my body.

This is getting really rushed sorry sorry next chapter is going to be the last one

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