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Sakura sat down next to the ledge of the bridge where her mind was once again roamed around with only the thoughts of dying. In fact, she could already imagine herself as she jumped off the bridge. She imagined the way she would close her eyes, letting every struggle she has been through to slowly weaken her will to live until her body finally makes contact with the shallow waters that awaited her.

She wanted to end her life now especially since she finally has the chance to do so but something was holding her back. What is it? That question remains unanswered for the pinkette.

Sakura let out a breath of disbelief as she closed her eyes, letting the cold air sing around her. The silence was slowly eating her surroundings, leaving the sigh of her loneliness shooting air out of her mouth with each breathe she exhales. Tears were still streaming down her face, dripping off her chin and staining the pages of her notebook.

She held her ballpen tightly as she opened her eyes to admire the starless black sky. Sakura let out a dark laugh. Here I am again. She thought sadly. She knew at some point that she would still end up there regardless of what happened in her life because she knew that she was already at the dead end.

It was difficult to go forward when she couldn't even carry all the burdens she had on her back. Not all problems are temporary. She thought bitterly as the pages of her notebook started turning on its own due to the wind, making her put the weight of her hands on it to stop it in response.

Sakura exhaled deeply. She knew that it was his first death anniversary next next week; she's surprised that she managed to make it this far in the first place. What am I still fighting for anyway? She thought grimly to herself. "It's funny how a girl that was once so full of ambition ended up to be like this—a pathetic waste of space and air." She muttered to herself in false amusement.

It was then her eyes fell to the last line she wrote on her notebook. She couldn't think of anything else that could follow after that. All she wrote was one verse that left her completely unsatisfied. Sakura's frown grew wider as she reread her new poem again.

My lungs were gasping for breath;
Pleading to finally lead me to my death.
All my life, nothing but a whisper came out;
Crying for help, trying to shout;
But it was difficult to say a word,
Thus, my feelings will forever be unheard.

Sakura let out a loud groan as she buried her face in her hands. She tried to take deep breaths in order to calm herself. She didn't want to go home again that day; all she wanted to do was to sit there until sunrise.

It was then she heard footsteps coming closer to her. She raised her head to see him at the same spot where she first saw him—in the darkness; his beautiful features were still nicely emphasized by the moonlight. "Why are you here again?" Sasuke asks, his voice was deep yet velvety. His voice was surprisingly not as hoarse and rough the last time she heard him.

"I..." Sakura trailed off as she gaped at Sasuke once he took a step forward, letting the light from the lamp post shine on him. He was still wearing the same clothes from the other day. Is he homeless or something? She wondered as she scowled at him in confusion.

"I asked you a question," Sasuke reminded coldly as he stared at her so intensely that she felt that he could pierce a hole through her forehead.  Sakura winced under his gaze before she shook her head, trying to shake her thoughts away as her scowl deepened.

"Why are you here?" She shot back and it was Sasuke's turn to scowl at her. He let out a huff of disbelief as he rolled his eyes.

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