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"Konoha's grand hotel, how may I help you?" Sakura asked, her voice was polite yet lifeless since she has been saying the same line all day. She was already getting tired of it but she knew that her shift doesn't end yet. 40 minutes left, she thought hopefully.

"Yes, I'd like to make a reservation." A young female voice said on the other end of the line. Sakura listened to it then hung up after typing the requests into the computer she was standing in front of. Being a receptionist was not an arduous part time job; Sakura simply found it more simple & boring compared to her other jobs. 

After all, Sakura only needed to welcome guests and answer reservations when it rang. Despite it being more simple than her other part time jobs, it paid so much more.

Sakura let out a deep sigh as she rested her chin on the back of her hand. She stared absently at the hotel's lobby. It was like any other lobby, there were different employees everywhere, flashing fake smiles to new guests. It almost seemed real, like as if they're genuinely happy to serve these people at this hour. Sakura knew that if she were as ignorant as them, she would believe in the lies that hide behind their smiles. Sakura, after all, does the same thing on the daily.

Sakura's eyes traveled to the red painted walls that showed off a gold accent; the marbled floor transmitted an elegant appearance without a single speck of dust on it. Sakura closed her eyes as she buried her face in her hands. She has been staring at the floor too many times that she has already lost count.

It was then she heard a small 'ping' coming from her side, making her lift her head up to look at it. Sakura frowned in confusion when she realized that someone sent her a message. She lazily grabbed her bag to get her cellphone as an obnoxious yawn escaped her lips. Her frown grew wider when she finally saw who it was from. She opened it to quickly scan his message, her frown slowly turning into a small smile.

From: Kiba
Yo, what's up, Saku?

From: Kiba
Okay, I'm just kidding, what I really wanted to say is...sorry. I know it took me a long time to finally say it but during these days, I was loathing in regret and I really miss you here, Saku. I hope you can finally go to work next week so I can try to make it up to you. I'm sorry again :(

Sakura let out a soft sigh as she turned off her phone. She had a smirk on her lips, knowing that if she didn't reply it would kill him even more. Sakura forgave him long ago but she couldn't help but mess with people a little bit. It entertained her a lot during dull moments like these.

Sakura turned her head to look outside of the window. She could see the Konoha bridge very clearly. It seemed so close but it was so far away. She watched people and cars pass by the bridge as she waited for the mysterious boy with the black hoodie. She looked through each person who stood there but he was nowhere to be seen. Sakura furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Does he only come there during the night?" She wondered to herself curiously.

It was then she remembered him mentioning that he was a teacher. Sakura chuckled to herself, definitely not expecting a cold person like him teaching people much younger than him. His patience is shorter than her fingernail, after all. Sakura's gaze fell to the inside of her bag to see the flier that Tsunade gave her the other day.

She brought it out to examine it even more as she let out a soft groan. Sakura desperately wanted to come but something within her was holding her back. Sasuke's face suddenly came to her mind as an idea popped to her head. Sakura bit her lip, already knowing what his response would be.

A loud obnoxious ring came from the hotel's phone once again, snapping her out of her thoughts. Sakura rolled her eyes, knowing that it another reservation again. Sakura cleared her throat before she answered the phone.

"Konoha's grand hotel, how may I help you?" She says politely as she glanced outside of the window to look at the bridge one last time. She knew it was a risk to do it but she was very willing to take it.


Sakura walked down the same path again. She was dressed comfortably this time for she simply wore an oversized sweater and denim shorts. All she brought was a notebook that she hid behind her back and a ballpen that sat behind her right ear. She hummed to herself softly to ease her nervousness as she scanned the area carefully.

She spotted him again at the same spot with his eyes locked on the scenery ahead of him. His eyes always seemed to be longing for something that Sakura could never identify. As she got closer, Sasuke turned to look at her. He arched an eyebrow once he noticed that she was hiding something behind her back. Sasuke was about to open his mouth to speak but Sakura beat him to it.

"Do you like poetry?" Sakura asks sheepishly as she revealed her little pink notebook. Sasuke tilted his head to the side in confusion as he eyed the notebook. He has seen that several times with her before but he has never wondered until now what are the contents of that notebook.

He simply nodded in reply, still a bit skeptical why she would ask that in the first place. Sakura's face lit up in response to that, making Sasuke scowl at her in confusion. "Can you help me make a slam poem for this thing?" She asks as she got the flier that was hidden in between random pages of her notebook and she handed it to him.

Sasuke quickly scanned it, understanding immediately her intentions. He just waited for her to ask the real question. "And Sasuke," She says softly as Sasuke arched an eyebrow at her, urging her to continue. "Would you come....you know, watch me?"

Sasuke pursed his lips into a thin line. Sakura was too predictable for him and it was incredibly amusing. Her thoughts and emotions were as clear as day on her face sometimes and he couldn't help but be very entertained by it. "It depends," He replies with a shrug.

A frown formed Sakura's lips as her shoulders fell due to disappointment. Sakura opened her mouth to speak but she stopped herself when he suddenly brought out his hand. Sakura tilted her head to the side in confusion as she hesitantly gave him a high five. Sasuke immediately facepalmed with his other hand as he shook his head in disbelief. "I mean, the notebook, Sakura."

Sakura's eyes widened as a blush crept to her cheeks in shock. She reluctantly handed him the notebook and he opened it randomly to see what poem he would end up reading. He scanned the poem quickly, amused at the contents of the notebook. Sakura's poems were definitely rough around the edges but it could somehow work.

My lungs were gasping for breath;
Pleading to finally lead me to my death.
All my life, nothing but a whisper came out;
Crying for help, trying to shout;
But it was difficult to say a word,
Thus, my feelings will forever be unheard.

"So that's what you feel," Sasuke thought to himself, finally understanding why the pinkette would go to this bridge almost everyday. He abruptly closed the notebook, not bothering to read the other poems as he handed it back to her. Sakura scowled at him in confusion as she suddenly started feeling nervous.

"Did you not like—" Sasuke surprisingly cut Sakura short.

"Sakura," He says calmly. Sakura looked up at him, his eyes held that same glint that she still couldn't decipher. He gave her a small smile as Sakura's eyes grew wide.

"W-what?" She stuttered. It was the first time Sakura saw him smile and she couldn't help but feel her heart beat incredibly fast. He was extremely handsome to begin with and him smiling like that couldn't help but make her stare at him in awe. She didn't know why she was feeling this way but it surprisingly felt good.

"I heard you," Sakura's breath got caught in her throat due to his words. A single word escaped her lips unconsciously as she stared at him in awe. Memories from the night she first saw him came to her mind as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Finally," She muttered.

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