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"Darkness descended from the heaven above,
Yet the eyes of this fallen angel is filled with love,
Beauty in the form of sadness and hatred from within,
A man defined by madness and his perpetual sin."

Sakura let out a deep sigh of annoyance as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand. She was staring absently at a single page in her not notebook; her eyebrows were furrowed in frustration and annoyance due to her dissatisfaction with her work. She would often write poems when there are no customers in the little convenience store she works for part time. She did this in order to keep herself busy especially since they are not allowed to use their cellphone during working hours.

Sakura blew out her bangs from her face as she tapped her ballpen against the table due to habit. She would often do this in an attempt to process her thoughts better; she was very distracted ever since her encounter with that odd man. He definitely made an impact on her and she couldn't get him out of her mind. It drove her insane yet at the same time it gave her comfort. For once, something else consumed her mind.

"What am I doing?" She muttered to herself in exasperation. She closed her eyes as she covered her face with both of her hands in annoyance. Kiba, the guard of this store, was on his day off and she was left alone at 12 in the morning to fend for herself. She kind of missed his presence; she had no one to talk to during her long night shift and due to that her thoughts would often drift to him.

She shook her head defensively. She knew that she shouldn't be doing this. To her, he was nothing but a stranger she just met by chance. She rubbed her face roughly as she let out a loud groan in irritation. She was getting tired of it all. "I should have just ended it that night..." She mumbled to herself with a frown.

It was then a ringing sound caught her attention, making her look up towards the source of the sound. It was a sign that a new customer has entered the convenience store. Sakura stood up almost immediately as she straightened her clothing in an attempt to look a little bit more presentable. "Welcome to Nara's convenience store!" She says politely yet automatically as she tried to take a look of the new customer.

It was a man wearing a dark blue hoodie and black pants; his hood was covering his head and his hands were in his pockets. Sakura arched an eyebrow at him in confusion as her eyes followed the unidentified man to see his face.

Over time, she noticed that he was trying to avoid her and of course, that definitely did not sit well with her. There was something definitely wrong and Sakura didn't want to admit it to herself. She hoped and prayed to herself that he is not a dangerous man and that she was just being a little bit paranoid.

"Good evening, sir," Sakura greeted again, more cautiously this time; her eyes were still locked at the suspicious man. The man still didn't look at her, he just simply nodded his head in response. Sakura continued to watch the man until she finally noticed that he was hiding something in his jacket. Sakura bit her lower lip, squeezing her moist hands as she tried to gather all the energy to confirm his intentions. It wasn't the first time that she encountered someone like this but it was the first time that she had to handle this alone.

Sakura took a deep shaky breath as she finally decided to approach the man in order to inspect him. "May I help you?" Sakura asks in a soft and gentle tone as the gap between her and the man started to narrow down. The man quickly moved to the next lane, ignoring her completely and Sakura immediately picked up her pace to keep up with him. Once she moved to the next lane, he was already running towards the exit.

"Wait!" Sakura yelled, her voice was a bit shaky & hesitant due to fear but she still kept on following him. "Stop!" She shouted as she finally stepped out of the convenience store. Since Kiba was out of duty, she had to catch the man by herself. "Bastard," She cursed under her breath in anger as she continued to run after the man. She knew that if he escapes with the food he stole, she & Kiba would have to pay the owner for it in the end.

"Stop!" She screamed even louder as her eyes were locked on the man; her feet pounding against the ground filled her ears as the cold wind flew pass her face. Her heartbeat pounded harshly against her chest as her breathing started to quicken and become even more shallow. Sweat also beaded her forehead, causing her bangs to cling to it as her lungs ached for more air. Her muscles stretched and pushed harder.  However, her legs started to burn from running too much and she was slowly getting tired over time.

"Wait," Tears begun to well up in her eyes as she finally accepted defeat. She abruptly stopped running, resting her hands on her knees in exhaustion as she tried to fill her desperate lungs with air. "Please don't go! I don't have enough money to pay my owner back!" She pleaded between each ragged breath. "Please!" She yelled loud enough for him to hear.

The man glanced at her briefly as he took a sharp turn to the left and into a dark alley, letting Sakura finally get a glimpse of his face. Sakura's eyes widened as a gasp escaped her lips in surprise.

It was him.

It was the man with onyx eyes.

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