i. moving in

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-Chapter 1-
"Moving In"

-Chapter 1-"Moving In"______________________

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"Y-yes Mom?"

"Have you brought in that TV yet?"

"You would know if you helped..... YES MOM! I just did!"

I sighed.
I had just moved into Derry with my Mom, and she did NOT want to help move in anything. As soon as I placed down the couch, she was not gonna get up.

The one item I had saved for last was the piano. Surprisingly enough, it was the heaviest thing to carry, and also the worst.

I slammed the door and skipped down the cement pavement.

The breeze was cool, but the air was not.
I noticed a small group of other kids on their bikes begin to ride by my house.

I tried not to make eye contact, since nearly every time I try to be nice to other kids my age, it doesn't end well. I've learned to detach myself from others. I'm used to being alone.

I could feel the kids eyes as I blankly stared at the "U-Haul" truck. I tried to grab one end of the piano, but it was too heavy. I could hear them peddling closer.

Panicked, I began to try and grab the piano faster. With all of my might, I thrusted the humongous box, out of the truck, and to my demise, onto me.

I yelped and felt the oxygen rush out of my lungs as the weight of the box crushed me under it. Everything became a blur as I heard faint yells, and then, the air rush back into me.

I gasped and looked above me to see 4 boys pulling the box off of me. I quickly got up.

"H-hey, w-watch out. I-I'm Bill."

"Thank you Bill."

"How'd that thing fall on you anyway? Oh, I'm Richie."

"It was too heavy I guess. Thanks Richie."

"Why isn't your Dad helping you? This is way too heavy for someone of your abilities. And my name is Eddie."

"Well, for your information, Eddie, I don't have a Dad, and my Mom is too lazy to get off her ass and help me."

I looked over at the quiet, tall boy with curly hair. I had an interest in him, in fact I had an interest in all of them for some reason. He was staring at the floor, saying nothing. I looked behind him and saw another boy with a girl with short hair. They were both in deep conversation, so I chose not to interrupt. I thanked them all once again and pulled the piano towards the house. Bill rang his bell at me as he and the other boys waved. I smiled as they raced into the street, and I dragged the piano into the house. Once it was set up, I went to my room and plopped onto my bed.

I began to think what my first day would be like. I knew I would have a lot of catching up to do since the year had already begun. Hopefully I was in a class with those other kids, since they seemed pretty nice. I smiled at myself. I was already daydreaming about having friends.

How lame was I?

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