Chapter 3:where am I?

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Ariana fell through the darkness,screaming. She didn't know what to do.
When she first fell through the rabbit hole,she thought she would hit the ground not long after,well she was wrong.
The rabbit hole seemed to go on forever as she fell.
When suddenly what looked like a piano flew past her.
She was so shocked by the piano that she didn't notice when a bookshelf flew past her to and hit her smack in the head.She fainted.
Ariana fell through the darkness quietly now,not noticing all the weird objects flying past her since she had fainted.
Finally after some time Ariana hit the ground with a thump.
Ariana woke up around her and groaned. She felt like she had broken every single bone in her body.
She remained on the ground for quite some time observing her surroundings.
It looked like she had fallen into the middle of the forest.Well,an odd looking forest.
Around her were trees of every color,flowers with faces and humongous butterflies about the size of a dog.
Ariana got up,but as soon as she got on her feet,she fell back down again.
Her whole body ached and she couldn't get up. Ariana could feel her energy draining fast. She knew she was going to faint again. She so badly wished that Lily was there with with her. Ariana hated being alone and helpless.
Ariana looked all around her when suddenly she saw a men with bushy eyebrows,a colorful suite and a big hat walking around in the forest.
The man indeed looked crazy but he was Ariana's only hope.
So with her last bit of energy she had she yelled out
Before everything went black........

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