Chapter 7 :The wishing tea ☕️

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"The wishing tea?"said Ariana in confusion
"The wishing tea!" Said the white queen with a dreamy look in her eyes
"But your highness! It is too hard to make!"said the mad hatter to the white queen
The white queen turned around and faced the mad hatter
"Just because it is hard,does not mean it is impossible"said the white queen
"Yeah!"said Ariana,joining the conversation
"Ariana you don't understand! We could die trying to get the ingredients!"said the mad hatter to Ariana
"But it is not impossible!"said Ariana desperately
The white queen looked from the mad hatter to Ariana then finally said in a royal voice
"I shall leave you too to decide"
And with that,the white queen walked towards the door,opened it and left
The mad hatter turned his back to Ariana and was about to leave before she said
"Do it for Alice!"
The mad hatter turned and looked Ariana in the eye. She instantly felt uncomfortable.
"What did you say to me?" He said angrily
"I said for you to do it for Alice!"she yelled
"Alice was my best friend. She would want me to do what I want" he said
"Alice is from where I am from!" Said Ariana to the hatter
The mad hatter looked interested in this.
"And where would that be?" He said curiously
"In the normal world!where I want to go!"she said,knowing that she had caught his attention
"Really?" Said the mad hatter
Ariana nodded. The mad hatter sat thinking. Ariana knew very well what he was thinking so she asked him the question he was asking himself.
"What about we make a deal. If you make the wishing tea, I will help you see Alice again,"
The mad hatter thought about it over again and over in his mind before he finally spoke and said
"Fine. I'll help you"

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