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so, just as a warning, things will get rapey and not romantic at all.

Alex woke up with a massive headache and feeling dazed. It was the same sort of feeling you get after drinking too much alcohol and knowing you did something awful. That wasn't the case this time. This time it wasn't his fault that something bad happened. He shuddered and slowly stood up on shaking legs. Checking his pockets, he found that his phone was no longer in his pocket.

"Shit." He mumbled under his breath before going to the windows, they were nailed shut. Thomas really thought this through. Including the door behind locked on the outside. He paced the room, biting at his nails without biting them off.

Perhaps Thomas keeps him here. Certainly John would think something was wrong and come to find him. Or George would realise that he wasn't coming in for work and check up on him at his apartment. Eliza and Angelica too perhaps. He's the only one who serves them coffee after all.

"Oh good, you're up." Thomas smiled, a sickeningly sweet smile that made Alex's stomach curdle. He closed the door behind himself as he stood in front of Alex and put his hand on his cheek. "Did I hurt you too badly?"

"Don't touch me." He spat and pushed Thomas away from him. He held himself tightly, refusing to let Thomas touch him. "Let me go."

"You might run away, and I can't have that." He said as if it made all the sense in the world. Alex gulped, a pit in his throat forming as tears welled in his eyes. Thomas' face contorted into a frown as he pulled Alex to his chest. Alex let the tears fall down his cheeks and to the soft fabric of Thomas' shirt. "We can stay together forever if you just behave, Alexander." He pressed kisses against Alex's neck. "You're never getting rid of me."

"Please just let me leave." He begged, biting back more tears as he frantically wiped them away his sweater sleeves. "I want to go home, Thomas."

"Angel, you are home." He firmly grabbed Alex's cheeks and put a forceful kiss to his lips. His tongue shoved its way down his throat and Alex wanted badly to spit it out, but he didn't. Thomas was much bigger than him and no one was around to hear his screams. He just prayed that someone noticed he was gone as Thomas slipped off his pants.


"Oh, hey Thomas!" John called out, jogging to catch up to the larger man. The streets were empty that late at night. It being almost a week since anyone had seen or heard from Alex, work or otherwise, John decided to start looking for him in places most familiar to see if there were any clues as to why he was suddenly gone. John seemed to be the only one worried beside Eliza. "Um, this might seem weird, but have you seen Alex around? He's just missed movie night and he never does without telling me first. I'm just a bit worried."

"He's at my flat." John's eyes lit up as a smile made its way to his face. "You're acting like he's missing."

"God, it kind of felt like that." He put a hand to his chest with a deep breathe. "Is it too weird if I ask to see him?"

"Of course not." He chuckled deeply as John began following him back to his flat. The night air was filled with small talk, mostly John asking why Alex hadn't told anyone he had taken a 'vacation' from work. Thomas would reply vaguely, but stopped speaking once they reached his building. John noticed it was pretty vacant. Probably because it seemed pretty lavish, doorman and everything. The elevator ride was quiet and the air was stiff. John tapped his fingers to a tune only he knew as the two walked to Thomas' flat.

"Woah, you're flat's huge!" John exclaimed, marvelling at the size of Thomas' home. There was a loud banging from one of the bedrooms down the hall.

"John?! Help me!" The banging intensified as Alex's hope for help grew with John's presence. He didn't know that John couldn't hear him.

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