Copernican Principal

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Thomas breathed in Alex's scent and held him tighter. His younger lover was asleep and his back was facing Thomas. He watched Alex inhale and exhale periodically, proud of himself that he managed to wake up and go to bed to such a beautiful specimen every day. He simply wished Alex didn't want to go out as much.

"Thomas?" Alex asked softly, putting of his hands over the ones wrapped around his waist. "Tommy, what time is it?"

"Late, near three in the morning." Thomas answered, putting delicate kisses down Alex's neck. The shorter hairs not pulled into a bun tickled Thomas' face. He wrapped one of his legs over Alex's, putting them in an unbearably close proximity. "Go back to sleep."

"M'Kay, but you have to stay right here."  Alex turned on his side, facing Thomas and curled into his side. Thomas waited a moment until he could feel Alex's breathing level out and left the room. He cracked his knuckles as he stepped into the extra room that would usually be an office, but he held a guest in there for the time being.

"Evening." Thomas greeted with a sour smile before closing the door behind him. John looked up and glared at him.

"Fuck. You." He spat, clawing at the chair he was sufficiently tied to. John looked like shit to put it lightly. His curls that were usually made into a neat ponytail were sprung out in messy lumps, dried to his neck and cheeks from blood and sweat. As it had almost a month since he had taken a shower he smelled awful too. Cuts, bruises and swollen masses of skin were shown across his body and face. Thomas harshly gripped his face, crouching down to his height and dug his nails into his cheeks.

"That isn't a very nice way to speak to me, seeing as I'm sleeping with the man you love in the next room." Thomas cocked his head, further examining John's face. "You wouldn't want me to hurt Alex, right? I mean, I'd hate to see him with another bruise, wouldn't you?"

"You wouldn't dare." John chuckled dryly. "You love him too. In your own demented, fucked up way."

"There's a difference between our types of love." Thomas smiled wide, tapping his hand against John's cheek. "I'm not afraid to hurt those I love."

"You're a sick fuck." John spat, jerking his head away from Thomas' grasp. "You already got Alex thinking he loves you by fucking- wait, no- I mean, raping him so much, Stockholm Syndrome took over to help his fragile mind cope, you fuck. Why don't you just kill me already?"

"I like torturing you." He replied simply before standing to his full height and turned around, his back facing John. "Well, I'm bored. Real fun talking to you."

Before John could reply, Thomas left the room. Locking the door behind him and going back to Alex only to find him awake. He was sitting up and still had his eyes closed.

"Where were you?" He asked quietly.

"Bathroom, baby." Thomas lied, moving into bed beside Alex and kissing his shoulder until Alex fell down beside him. "I love you, Alex."

"I-I love you too, Thomas."

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