bing bong

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     "Hey Scarlett." Gigi greeted as she walked into the apartment, Zayn in tow. "I watched you on Fallon last night, I think you did great."

     Scarlett smiled, "Thank you, gorgeous." 

     Gigi cooed and blew a kiss at Scarlett who sat on her giant beanbag in the corner of the living room. She pretended to catch it and hold it close to her heart jokingly. 

     "Louis is coming to visit today, ya know." Zayn cut in. "He wanted to see you after he watched you on Fallon." 

     Scarlett's eyes lit up. She hasn't seen Louis since Zayn left the band. There were no hard feelings, just the rest of the boys decided to stay in England while Zayn bought a place in New York. 

     "Really?! When! What time!" Scarlett jumped up, extremely excited to see her best friend again. 

     "Hello family!" Louis bellowed, entering through the unlocked front door. "I traveled through Hell and back to get here, now where is my Scarlett?" 

     "Louis!" Scarlett yelped, running after the man who just walked in. Louis opened his arms wide, catching the girl as she rammed into him. Zayn and Gigi watched from the other side of the room, smiles adorning each other's faces. 

     "I missed you so much, little girl." Louis whispered in Scarlett's ear, placing a kiss to the top of her head. 

     "I missed you too, Lou." 

     "Ugh now get off of me so I can hug the real reason I came here." Louis joked, pushing Scarlett onto the couch and walking up to Zayn to give him a hug as well. 

     "And I was afraid you've changed." Scarlett huffed sarcastically. Louis shot her a wink from beside Zayn and turned to greet Gigi. 

     "What are you wearing?" Louis questioned, staring Scarlett down. She looked down at her sweatpants and then back up at him. 

     "What's wrong with my comfy clothes?" 

     "Everything, go change into something nice I'm taking us all out for dinner." he ordered. 

     Scarlett rolled her eyes, "Like what? I don't have anything nice." 

     "What? Yes you do, you have that- ugh never mind I'll just pick out something for you." Louis rambled, exasperated. Scarlett bit her lip, shyly smiling at her friend. "You're so incapable you can't even dress up. You don't change at all, no matter what you go through." 

     Louis pushed past Scarlett, making his way up the stairs dramatically. "We don't have all night!" 

     She giggled and ran after him up the stairs to her room. 

     "Is that a bong?" Louis questioned immediately, pointing to the large glass sculpture on her bedside table. Scarlett shuffled over to it, hiding it behind her back. 

     "Uh, no. It's just a l-lamp, yeah, a lamp." she stuttered, lying terribly. 

     "Scarlett do you smoke weed?" he interrogated, taking a step closer to her. She shook her head. Louis took another step forward, reaching behind her back and taking the bong from her grip. "Oh my God, this is a bong! Scarlett you're a stoner!" 

     "Zayn let me try some of his one time and I really liked it and now I kinda smoke every day but please don't tell Niall!" 

     "Scarlett, darling, I don't care. I smoke it sometimes too, it's okay." Louis spoke, calming her down slightly. "As for Niall, why do you think he's hungry all the time?" 

     Her jaw dropped and Louis turned around, ending the conversation by heading to her closet. He rifled through the clothes until he found a dress he had gifted Scarlett for her birthday last year. 

     "Here. Straighten your hair and put on some makeup, I'll be downstairs." he ordered. 

     "Alright mister fashion correspondent." 

     Lou rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. "Oh and I invited a friend to join us at dinner." 

     "You're paying, I'm not. Invite who you want." Scarlett shrugged before shutting her bedroom door to change. 

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