chapter // one

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Shivering in the hallway, I fumbled around in my pockets for the key to my dorm room. I was freezing my ass off, and I desperately wanted to get inside. After a few minutes of digging through my pockets, I found the sneaky little key in my right jacket pocket! I hummed to myself with a song that had an oddly familiar tune, but I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was.

The tune had been stuck in my head all day, but the words weren't coming to me, or how I even knew the song! (I guess you could say Words Fail) I shrugged it off, and pushed the door open, quickly scrambling into the heated dorm room. I slammed the door behind me and sighed.

"Honey, I'm home!" I shouted jokingly. Christine's head popped out of our bedroom doorway, and she flashed me adorable, dopey smile. "Hey, Jer! I'm just studying!" I walked over and opened the door more, kissing her nose. "Sounds fun. Do you need any help with that, fair Hermia?" I asked, playing with her short hair.

"I think I'll be fine, brave Lysander!" She giggled. "But, you know, I'm Puck not Hermia!" I sighed. "Yes, that's right. And you play the part quite well, might I add!" "You might." I gave her another kiss, before I walked all the way iino the room and continued to hum the little tune. Christine gasped. "Whoa, you listen to Marley?! I thought you were into, like, Eminem!"

I froze. Marley, huh? Michael's starting to rub off on me... "I guess my favorite genre is dead artists." I joked, although it wasn't funny at all. Christine laughed anyway, as she does at all of my shitty jokes. Because she loves me, and is just as nerdy as I am!

"Alright Jer-bear, I think we should turn in for the night in a few minutes. What do you think?" She asked, biting the eraser of her pencil as she always does when she's thinking hard about something. I smirked. "Well... There was one thing I was hoping we could do..." She looked up.

"Jeremy, are you thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking?" "Please? It's the weekend..." "Jeremy..." "I'll buy you a pizza!" "Oh, fuck it! You had me at well!" She said, pulling me quickly into a kiss. Wow, I really did not expect that to be so easy! Oh well; works for me! I shrugged my jacket off and kicked off my shoes and socks, putting my hands on her waist as we collapsed onto our bed.

She kept kissing me passionately, as I messed with the buttons on her shirt. I managed to somehow unbutton them all, and slowly pull it off her. "Let's make this beautiful." She whispered seductively. Oh hell yes!

---I kinda wanted to make that a whole smut but I couldn't because that stuff is so much worse to write than it is to read so sorry folks but haha nope not today :)))---


hristine collapsed next to me, her fingers coming untangled from my hair, leaving her a sweaty, beautiful mess. "Jesus Christ, Jeremy! You should've saved that for the honeymoon!" She joked, and I happily laughed along.

She yawned, and even thought her hair was all messed up and she was butt-naked, she looked so innocent and adorable. I smiled fondly, and she cuddled into me as she fell asleep. She's too cute... I wish nights like these lasted forever! I didn't even have to buy her a pizza!

All dirty thoughts aside, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have her. I leaned over and planted a sloppy kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight, love bug." I sighed, wrapping my arms around her and falling asleep.

Yes, this is story boyf riends. You'll see it's gonna get good kiddos just hakuna your tatas

That night, I had another nightmare. Well, really it was a really good dream, but it was bad because it was a SQUIP-generated dream. Two years after the Squip incident in my highschool, the thing was still bothering me! It used good dreams to try and tempt me to reactivate it, and believe me; on my bad days, it almost does.

So, so badly, I just want to live in those fantasy worlds the Squip shows me every night... But tonight's was different. Usually, the Squip shows me things I really want but can't have... Well, tonight it showed me Michael.

I woke up in my dorm room, in a cold sweat from a terrible nightmare. I couldn't remember what it had been about, just that it was awful. I felt the mound next to me shift, sensing my insecurity. "Oh, Christine, thank God you're awake! I just had the worst--"

I froze, staring in awe as my best friend sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes any yawning. And HALF NAKED. I felt my face start to get hot. The Hell is going on?! "D-dude, why are you in my bed?!" I squeaked. He looked at me in confusion. "What do you mean, why am I in your bed? This is our bed, and we've been dating for two months now. You should be used to this already!" He laughed.

I gulped. Okay, so this is a dream. Why would the Squip show me this? I don't want Michael... As anything more than a friend, of course, so why...? "Michael... I had... A nightmare." I said slowly, still in shock that I just woke up to being naked next to my best friend who is ALSO NAKED.

He gasped a bit, and embraced me tightly. "Aww, baby, I'm so sorry! It's gonna be okay..." he said, moving his hands over my body in a way that made me shiver. This dream is really uncomfortable... But I kinda like it? I melted into the hug, and instantly felt comforted and relieved.

How could something seem so horrible, yet, feel so right?

I shuddered at the memory, and decided not to tell Michael about that dream. I don't need to lose him again... I shrugged it off, and climbed out of bed, quickly realizing I wasn't wearing any clothes. Fuck it, it's the weekend. I decided. I ran over to the dresser, opened Christine's drawer rather than mine, and smiled.

I pulled out a cute white dress that was too big for Christine, but actually fit me perfectly. It was a few inches above the knees, and there was practically no back. It was perfect! I got totally dressed, stealing a pair of Christine's comfy socks, too, and admiring myself in the mirror.

Fuck gender roles, man! I felt Christine tap on my shoulder, and I spun around to see her trying to suppress giggles. "Aww, Jer, you look better in my dress than I do!" I blushed and buried my face in my hands. "Shut up!" "..." "..." "So, want me to do your makeup, too?" "Yeah, alright."

Hello, welcome! Yeah sorry about the Jeremy/Christine moment it gets gayer I promise
-Author (Josie)

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