Chapter 1

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Jr: "YES doofy the dragon is on finally on"
Junior the son of bowser sat down on the big red couch in the playroom watching his favourite TVs show
Doofy: Hey kids doofy the dragon here and today were going to learn about gardening first YOU grab a rack and *starts beating himself repeatedly until he's dead* (idk XD)
Junior laughed at the death played on tv, sounds psychotic but it's really not according to Junior, he proceeded to watch tv until his stomach rumbled, he groaned and Got of the couch and into the Kitchen
. . .
Chef pee pee: Mm mm mm this is going to be good tonight
Chef pee said as he was cooking dinner for bowser and junior he was working here for a long time now and he only gets payed $10 a year but he had to stay here other wise the two turtles will die of starvation, he was humming while putting some milk in the pot to heat it up, once that was done he was going to put the egg in till a certain turtle came rushing into the kitchen
Junior: CHEF PEE PEE!!!
Chef pee pee jumped causing the egg to go all over his face, he turned around and faced junior angrily
CPP: JUNIOR WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MESSED UP MY DINNER I WAS GOING TO MAKE YOUR DAD!" He yelled junior backed away a little from the tone of his voice.
Junior: "Oh I'm sorry c-" junior stopped himself and smirked, chef pee pee looked at him confused
CPP: What the hell are you smirking at
Junior: Hey chef pee pee do you like my dad?
Chef pee pee's whole face flushed red, he pouted and turned his head away
CPP: Hell no why would I like that bastard
Junior raised an eyebrow still smirking "Ok Whatever you say" and walked out of the kitchen forgetting that he was hungry in the first place, he walked over to the couch again feeling bored, so he decided to call his best friends, Joseph and his secret crush Cody, yes he's gay and he is proud of it so is his dad since he is gay to, he was about to call them when a loud knock at the door, causing junior to jump and fall of the couch
Junior: "Oww who could that be?"
He said getting up and opening the door to see Joseph standing the panting looking like he ran here with a tear stained face 'Huh? Why is Joseph crying?' Junior thought, his thoughts were interrupted by Joseph's voice
Joseph: "Dude please let me in I need to show you you something quickly"
Junior was very confused but decided not to ask
. . .

Junior turned on the sml new and sat down he turned around seeing Joseph standing and looking like he was in a rush to get somewhere, junior turned back to the Tv to see what all the fuss is about

Mr Goodman: Breaking new Mkay a big house fire causing a young 9 year old boy into a comatose and being sent to the hospital right away, his parents weren't there at the time so we don't know the cause of this tragedy and we don't know if he's going to make it, this young man's name is Cody Nutkiss" then the camera moved from goodman and on the house showing fireman trying to put out the fire and police cars in front of it, THE was another scene showing a little magikoopa on a stretcher, going into the ambulance all bloody and burned with paramedics pumping his chest to get him to breath..." the tv turned off ,junior could hear Joseph's sobs coming from next to him but he was just to shocked to talked, he stared at the reflection of himself in the blank tv


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