Chapter 4

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Junior looked at her shocked, Judy smiled sadly and handed him the devil board, junior was still confused on what's was going on
Judy: I want you to contact my son with me
Junior nodded and then realised all the horrible things he said to her and then felt warm tears coming to his face, he put the board down on the floor and hugged her, Judy was shocked and amazed to see Codys crush hugging her

Junior: Mrs Nutkiss I'm so sorry for all the insulting things I said to you and I take it all back
Junior started sobbing, judy started crying also and hugged him back
Judy: "Don't be sorry sweetheart, it's ok now let's contact Cody"
Junior snapped out of it and nodded, he grabbed the board and put it on the table and unpacked it
Putting the board down and the piece next to it, I looked up Judy seemed nervous I wouldn't blame her I mean contacting her dead son it must be a lot on her
Junior: "Are you ready?" He asked softly she nodded and we both put our fingers on the piece and moved it around in a 8 with a chant "Is there any ghost in this area right now" we stopped moving it and let the ghost do its work the piece moved nto YES
Junior: What is your name..
It took a while to answer but eventually it landed on C O D Y
Judy cried out in happiness as she thought of another questihon
"Cody sweetheart it's me your mom can you see us?" It answered YES, i felt shivers go up my spine "Hey Cody it's Junior well I guess you know that since you can see us-uhh anyway" I babbled on, god I can't even talk suddenly I heard a giggle turned around to see Cody , "AHHHHH" I shuffled away freaked out "Junior What's Wrong" Judy looked at me worried "did you see something"  I snapped out of it and looked up at her "No I'm ok" we sat back at the table   We were about to say another question when My dad decided to barg in the room

"Junior what's All the ruckus down here and what the hell she doing here" he looked  to Judy "oh hey dad we are contacting Cody" I pointed to the ouija board "What Why what happened" I shook my head sadly "dad can I talk too you alone please" he nodded and walked into the kitchen, chef pee pee was already there cooking dinner I didn't mind him there since he already, he looked at me worriedly before turning back to his work

Bowser turned to looked at me "Junior tell about what's going on" he said with concern layed in his voice, I was kind of mad at him it's his fault he doesnt know anything since his in his room all day watching Charlie, "You know my friend Cody right" "Yeah the gay one right" I nodded "he died not that long ago" i started to tear up , Chef pee pee saw this and came to hug me This was Rare cause I thought he never really liked me or my dad, My dad took me and chef pee into a strong hug

 "What the fuck" chef pee pee screamed quickly getting out of his hold breathing for air with a slight blush on his cheeks,Bowser looked at me sadly and said something I would never thought he would say in his life "Junior I'm sorry I was never there for you I'm a stupid pathetic father who doesn't deserve a son like you Your best friend died and I wasn't there to comfort you but for I'll try to be the father I could never be" I Grinned tears streaming down my cheeks 

Yeah another crappy chapter 

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