Chapter 5

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Finally I have updated
Cody's POV:
I looked around the corner looking at Junior and his Family I smiled a little thinking about my own family, My mom always got Harassed for her weight and me, her gay son tries to protect het but ends up getting beaten , Junior said a lot of mean thing about her not in front of her of course he never had meant it because I've seen him apologise to her but I forgave him cause I love him I've always have, anyway I waited for them to finish but that would take awhile so I decided to talk to my mother sitting down at the table staring blankly at the Ouija Board, I went over to the board and moving the plantutee to the words M O M I M H E R E, she saw this and screamed, 'shit' I thought as the others came running down as fast as they could when they heard her scream "Judy What's wrong?!" Bowser Shouted, My Mum Looked Over to him wide eyed "c-cody jUst spoke to me it just scared the bejesus out of me I'm fine" the all sighed out of relief as nothing bad happened to her

We were relieved nothing happened to her, I was surprised that Cody spoke to her on his own without a hand, I went up to Judy and put my hand on her shoulder gently "Hey we will get him back I promise you" she nodded smiling softly, Bowser Sighed "it's Getting late I think we should get to bed, Judy you can sleep in the spare room if you want " Judy nodded, I didn't want to but I little sleep wouldn't hurt I guess, Bowser wrapped his strong arm around Chef PP waist and went to bed together (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) not yet thots) pee pee blushed so much he looked like a tomato 🍅 I snickered and said goodnight to Judy,then  going to bed myself
Cody's POV:

I will be there soon...


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