Chapter One| I Know.

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I rush as I get ready for school not wanting to be late, again. If I had a nickel for everytime I've been late for school, I would be filthy rich.

When I get to school, I run inside the building, and guess what, the final bell rings, so I'm late, again. Man, Julia is going to be so pissed when she finds out I got detention again.

"I'm here, I'm here. I'm sorry I'm late." I say, trying to catch my breath. I look up and the whole class is staring at me, including the teacher.

"Miss Payne, do you realise how late you are?" Mr. Kendrick asks, folding his arms over his chest.

"Well duh, why else would I be apologising?" Was my reply. Some students stifle a laugh while others don't bother and start laughing their asses off.

"Excuse me?"

"Why? Did you fart?" I said, stepping back. Now the whole class is howling in laughter.

"You think it's funny right?"

"I don't think. I know." I answer.

"Well let's see how funny you find  detention." My jaw drops.

"You can't do that."

"Oh but I can. Now go find a seat." He orders.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and sit behind Derek at the back of the class. One of my best friends. Because there is no way I will sit in front of or next to a stranger. If I sit behind them, they will not be able to bother me.

"Hey Bea." He says, smiling at me.

"Hey yourself." I smile back.

"So you were late again." He states the obvious.

"Yup." I reply as I doodle in my note book.

"Why don't you just let me drop you off?" He asks.

"You know why." I say, not bothering to look up.

He opened his mouth, but was interrupted." Ms. Payne, you're interrupting my class." He did even say anything to Derek.

"And you're interrupting my conversation." I counter. He just shakes his head and goes back to the front of the class.

I thanked the Lord that class didn't take forever like it usually does. I quickly leave the class as though it was on fire. Not looking at where I'm going, I bump into someone.

"Shit! Can't you look where you're going?" I snap at him. Of course it's my fault but I'd never admit it. I look up to meet golden brown eyes. He just stares at me.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" He shakes his head as if he just can out of a trance.

"You bumped into me." He defends.

"Whatever." I mutter, squatting to pick up my stuff that had fallen.

He tries to help me but I stop him." I have hands you know, I can pick them up myself." I snap. After picking my stuff, I walk away.

I head to my locker, opening it when my two friends come to me. And it looks like they're arguing about something.

"Here we go again." I say to myself.

"What is this I hear about you coming to school late, again." Cody asks me. He's my other best friend. Yeah that's right, they're both boys. And I'm what you call the 'pessimist' of the group. The mean, bitchy one. The one who dresses in black all the time. Yeah, I'm that one.

I just shrug.

"You did not just shrug." He says as if I killed his dog and told him that I liked doing it.

"Oh I did. And don't worry too much, I won't be late tomorrow." I don't make promises because I will end up breaking it.

It's like the saying:promises are meant to be broken.

That's why I don't make or keep promises, they'll never be fulfilled.

"That's what you say everyday. But you always come late." He whines, stomping his feet like a spoilt eight year old.

"Look guys, I appreciate the concern, I really do, but I can take care of myself." I shut my locker and just then the bell rings.

"I gotta head to class, don't wanna be late again. See you later." I give them a smile before heading to class.

I sit in the middle of the class. Neither Derek nor Cody are in this class and I am glad. I love those two but they annoy the crap out of me.

The teacher comes in and the class grows silent as she teaches. I focus on what the teacher teaches as this is my favourite subject. Literature. This is literally the only class I pass.

Ms. Connor suddenly stops teaching and I look up to see the reason. My gaze lands on the boy standing in front of her as she speaks to him. She turns to face the class.

"Guys, this is Theodore River. He is our new student so treat him like a normal person. In other words, don't treat him like crap or I will unleash hell on your asses." He looks surprised with the way she speaks. The rest of us are used to it. She is another reason I like this class.

"So Theo- is it okay if I call you Theo? Theodore is just too much work." Another reason I like this woman.

"Of course Ms. Connor." His voice is nice and deep and British. I think he's the one I bumped into- I mean the one that bumped into me.

Question: why do people refer to fine specimen as hot?

Answer: because they're all dipshits.

"Okay. So Theo, would you like to say anything to the class?" He nods.

"Okay everyone, pay attention." She said. It's not like all the girls are not already eye raping him.

"So my name's Theo River, you already know that of course," he  smiled a bit." I play football," typical." I can swim, I used to ride horses, and..... That's pretty much all you are allowed to know." He finished, still smiling that small smile.

"Thank you Theo, please go sit next to Bianca. Bianca raise you hand dear." I raised my hand and he walks towards me, taking a seat beside me. The one day I sit in the middle.

He smiles at me, showing off his perfect teeth. It sickens me to know someone can smile so perfectly.

"Hey." Theo says, smiling at me.

Doesn't his face hurt from smiling so much?

I wave at him absentmindedly,  not even sparing him a glance.

"Not much of a talker huh?" Oh he actually wants to hold a conversation with me.

"No, I just don't talk to strangers." I continue to take notes, still not looking at him.

"Then how do you make friends?"

"I don't."


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