Chapter Two| I Like When People Beg.

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"So, you like cheese?"

Who even asks that?

"Look, I'm trying not to snap at you and tell you off because you seem like a nice guy but I'll say this in the nicest way possible," I turn and face him." fuck off." With one last glance, I turn away again.

"If that's nice, then I wonder what not nice sounds like." He mumbles and I can't help the smile places itself on my face.

The bell finally rings and I leave as quickly as I can. I don't want him talking to me. And I most definitely do not want him following me.

"Hey Bianca!"

"Oh God." I groan and turn around as Theo walks over to me.

"Do you mind if I hang out with you for a while? I don't really know any one." He scratches the back of his head as he asks me this.

"You don't know me either." I point out.

"Yeah but you're the only person that doesn't freak me out." As he says this he glances over my shoulder so I look at where he's looking and I see some girls staring at him like he's meat.

"Well considering you're new and labelled as hot," I add air quotes when I say hot."and the accent is like, a bonus, you're basically fresh meat." I explain to him.

"And I am also pretty sure you'll fit in well with the popular crowd." I add.

"I can be your friend, you look desperate enough." I stare at him blankly before turning on my heel to walk away. He quickly rushes to stand in front of my, stopping me from walking away.

"I'm kidding. Okay, 'bout this, I hang out with you for a month,"I raise a brow."okay, a week, until I find some friends to hang out with." He tells me, I think about it before giving him my answer.

"No." I walk away. I can tell he's following me.

"Aw c'mon. You're not gonna make the new kid beg are you?"

"I like when people beg me. It shows I have power over them." Yeah, I'm weird like that.

He blinks." Okay, I'm going to pretend like that didn't make me feel uncomfortable. So what do you say?"

"Do you vow not to bother me after this blows over?" He nods vigorously.

"I swear on my not dead yet grandfather's  grave." He said.

Well in that case- wait did he say yet?

"Yes I did say yet."

Whoa he reads minds.

"No you're just saying it out loud." He chuckles. My cheeks turn red from embarrassment.

I clear my throat." Well, come with me." I command, he follows me as we head to the cafeteria. I'm sure he's silently still laughing at me.

No he's not.

Oh really...

I turn around to look at him, yeah... He's still laughing.

I open the cafeteria doors, when I walk in the whole place is silent. I know they're looking at the 'hot new kid' which is typical.

He follows me to my table. Where my friends are.

"Hey." I tell them, but they're not looking at me. They're looking at the homosapien that has taken a seat beside me. And they're not just looking, they're glaring. Glaring at him like he stole their nutella sandwich.

"Hey guys." I repeat and snap their gazes to me.

"Hey." They say in unison.

"Um, Bea," I look at Cody."don't freak out but there's something beside you." Theo narrows his eyes at him, but says nothing.

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