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There was nothing Theon enjoyed more than procrastinating. As usual, Bobby and Noah were round his house and hours passed by playing video games, but this time Sawm was there. And she slowly but surely caught up and beat them at each game.

"We could still go to the pizzaria," Noah suggested, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"Dude," Bobby mumbled. "What's pizza in a pizzaria without the birthday girl?"

"OK, we can just order pizza," Noah said. "Sawm, no ham for you?"

"Yeah. Set aside a few slices for Kara, I'm staying at hers for the night when she gets back from work."

Noah waited until the game was over before he got out his phone and called up Pizza Hut. Theon's fingers moved faster than light but Sawm was quicker, completely ignoring her ringing phone. She threw her hands up in victory.

"Damn you." Bobby exclaimed.

"Damn yourself Bobby," she smirked and picked up her phone. Abrupt concern creased between her eyebrows and she picked up the next phone call. "Hello Kingsley?"

Bobby used Sawm's remote for the next game with Theon as she spoke on the phone. The words were like wind in Theon's ears and he focused on the assassins and monsters in front of him.

"Kingsley, what do you mean? What happened- why is she in hospital?" The two boys froze. They both died in the game and turned to see Sawm pace the floor. "W-what? There... There was a fire?! Are the kids OK- is... is Kara OK?! Oh god, OK I'll be there in ten minutes."

She buried her phone in her pocket and ran out of the room, to the stairs.

"Sawm, what happened?" Theon ran after her, Bobby on his heels.

"Didn't you hear?" She looped her arms into the sleeves of her coat. "There was a fire at Kara's new restaurant. No one knows what happened, only that Kara was in the kitchen when it happened and the kitchen assistant had mysteriously left." Noah was wide-eyed, frozen against the kitchen door. "She's in hospital now, had to be taken by ambulance by what Kinglsey told me. I need to get there. Can one of you drive me there?"

"I'll drive," Noah volunteered.

"And we're all coming," Bobby said. Theon flung his leather jacket on and told his mother they were going to the hospital. He didn't give her a chance to say anything before they got into the car and tore down the streets. The smell of antiseptic filled Theon's nostrils all too soon and they asked for the room number. Sawm didn't wait for the elevator; she bee-lined for the stairs and her ebony curls bounced on her shoulders. Theon and the guys took the elevator, engulfed in pure silence when the door opened to reveal Kingsley, a blonde woman, a blond man and another brown-haired man. They all turned to them when Sawm raced to the blonde man.

"David! What's going on? Where is she?"

"She's in there," he cocked his head towards the room opposite them. "Faith's helping them get the clothes off. They're practically stuck to her and the doctors have to get to the wounds as fast as they can."

Theon could imagine the smell of scorched clothes snipped off her body to reveal angry red burns. He shuddered, took a seat opposite from the four people and tried to piece who was who. He knew Kingsley, David was probably Kara's father and the other brown-haired guy was James Parsons. Theon wanted to ask why the hell he was there but refrained from doing so. He assumed the blond woman clutching James' hand was Sierra.

The two sisters were much more different than he'd thought. While Kara's middle-length hair was butter blonde now dyed platinum, Sierra's was long and ashy. They both had blue eyes but Sierra's were a startling sapphire while Kara's were dark blue Neptunes. Kara's nose was large and had a bump to it, something that suggested she perhaps had Middle Eastern ancestry like Sawm, while Sierra's was small and button-like.

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