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Warning: Violent content ahead. Yes, this is the chapter of the boxing match. I'm going to have to go through all the chapters to see how many warnings I've written because it feels like there's too many XD. Anyway, enjoy :)

Kara's insides were like tangled shoelaces beneath her skin.

She focused on the world to her right as a distraction; blurry landscapes of cars speeding up the highway, the colours of the sky shifting and the gentle breeze ruffling her hair. Discomfort and anxiety had been buried deep in her bones for days and no matter how frequently and how long she trained for, she couldn't get it out of her system. Her environment did nothing to soothe the ongoing war inside her and Kara wanted to cry and scream out of exhaustion from thinking.

"You OK?" Faith turned around from the passenger's seat to look at her. She nodded and continued looking out.

She couldn't imagine what it had to be like for her parents and the rest of the family that would watch her live on TV across the country. Watching someone close fight with a brutal stranger and have only themselves to depend on was rough. She knew what it felt like every time a friend of hers was in the ring and they had the shit beaten out of them. If she had the chance, she would've gone into the ring and done everything to protect them.

It was the reason she'd only wanted her team and Kingsley there this year. Because of how attached everyone got. Of course, no one wanted anything to do with the idea and insisted on attending.

The world was pitch black by the time Kara sank into the hotel bed. The press had overrun and meeting Kelli again, after two years, had been strange. She was taller, stronger, sharp-tongued, charismatic and she held her record proudly on her sleeve. Kara felt like it was supposed to be a tactic to intimidate her from the savage smiles her opponent had flashed her, but she didn't allow any of it to bother her out of her slumber. She was out like a firework before she could say goodnight to Sierra.

Alas, her peaceful sleep lasted for a few hours before the spiral of thoughts struck her again.

The bathroom light blinded her as she stood in front of the mirror and slapped her face with cold water in hope that she would wash away the stress and panic. Sierra snored in her tranquil sleep so Kara tried not to wake her up with all her tosses and turns. She counted sheep, breaths even, read, listened to music- she did everything to fall back into sleep. Only thoughts remained into the abyss of exhaustion that was her brain.

Mrs Daniels had told her to do her past self justice. It was all she needed to do.

Kara inhaled and exhaled.

Inhaled and exhaled.

She'd stuck with the plan for weeks. To show the world she was better and she'd grown. To do herself and her team proud.

Yet she hadn't allowed herself to consider victory. And the desire to hold the trophy, to hear the crowd scream her name, to see all her hard work validated... it tugged on her. It made her feel guilty for wanting it, because she knew she would get hurt one way or another from the endless dam of ambition and drive in her.

Kara couldn't hold herself back anymore. She was done with it. She wanted to win the fight and she would bring down hell if she had to. But the victory would be hers.


The day passed slowly and quickly at the same time. It was like a full day at the gym; Kara woke up at six to do a quick round of fitness with Steph around the London streets. They walked for fifteen minutes, jogged for ten and sprinted for five twice, all the while tactic discussions were in the air.

Kara didn't let exhaustion get to her as she shoved fruits down her throat for breakfast. Kelli eyed her from the other side of the dining hall and Kara smiled at her.

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