Depends Who You Ask

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"I'm Galra," Keith had said. Did it matter to Lance? Of course not. Did it matter to the others? It depends who you ask. No one truly cared except Allura and maybe Coran, which is acceptable to some limits. The way Allura's been treating Keith, however, is truly past those limits and today was the last straw in the behavior for Lance. They were sitting having dinner talking about their latest defeat of a robeast when Allura caused Lance to snap.

"Keith that move today was amazing!" Pidge was saying as she shoveled more goo into her mouth. "I mean you were so close to being hit but nope, boom!" She made an explosion with her hands accidentally flicking some goo on Shiro who chuckled.

"It's true Keith, it was an amazing getaway." Shiro affirmed with a proud smile.

"Thanks you guys, but I'm not Lance there's no need to feed my ego," Keith said, adding a smirk to the last piece. This caused the others to laugh as Lance looked down. Not now insecurities he told himself.

"Yes well at least Lance listens to what he's told. You went completely against Shiro and I's orders and nearly cost the entire mission." Allura said coldly.

Keith quickly stood and left the room, and this was how Lance split.

"Princess what the actual quiznack is your problem?" He asked, standing as well.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, standing up to stare Lance down.

"Ever since Keith came out as Galra you have done nothing but bring him down, and that's if you acknowledge him at all!" Lance started. "I get it you don't trust any galra. I understand that you hold a grudge to their species after what they did to your people, your entire world. I understand Princess, but this is out of hand. He is not just galra. He is Keith! Just Keith. He isn't Glara Keith! He is the same person that entered this ship, he is still the same hotheaded paladin we have all grown to love. I know what it's like to be picked on because of what you are, and granted this is a very different situation, yes Hunk I know I had it worse don't bring it up," He pointed at the yellow Paladin. Not taking his eyes off of Allura before continuing his rant, " but this is unacceptable. I'm also sick of you complimenting me just to say I'm better than Keith. I know I'm not. I've accepted that and I know your compliments aren't serious. Stop acting like a child and act like an adult. Keith is a person and I don't know about you all but I care about his feelings and how he gets treated. Princess you need to understand Keith is Keith. If you can't treat him like that from now on, you need to come see me or Shiro or anyone else so you can talk through what you're feeling." That concluded his rant and Pidge let out a strangled gasp.

Lance turned around to find Keith standing in the doorway. "I-I had forgot my jacket," he muttered and Lance ran red. Pidge burst into laughter with Hunk and Shiro gave them both looks.

"What a way to confess your love Lance," Pidge said with a snort.

"Pidge," Shiro stressed. "Lance didn't confess his love," Shiro paused to look at Lance here who stayed silent, his blush reaching his ears. "Oh," Shiro breathed.

"He's liked Keith since the Garrison, don't worry Shiro it was bound to happen sooner or later." Hunk said with a low chuckle.

"Yeah, it only escalated to Love after that incident with Sendak." Pidge added.

"Shut up!" Lance screamed, and it wasn't till then the team realized he was crying. Pidge and Hunk immediately sobered up and Shiro stood up glaring at the two. "Just shut up, you guys are worse than them!" Lance spat before shoving past Keith, who was staring with wide eyes, and running to his room.

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