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Why it is FUN in Korea?

I must admit that Koreonovelas and KPOP are biggest influential why I am in love with Korea. Even though I haven't been there. (I think most of us are in the same shoessssss. Right?) But! There are more to love in KOREA! There are! There ARE!

*PLURAL. Take note.*

*Ehem. Ehem*

This is a random conversation with my father about Korea.

What do you like about Korea?

Uncle: Girls are awesome! Legs here. Legs there! They like to expose their legs! Unlike Filipinos who will stare at girls who show off their legs, they mostly stare at girls who expose their bare shoulders and chests! It's very common for them to see girls wearing micro shorts, skirts and likes~ (He's single. That's why. -.-)

Daddy: The fare is cheap, traffic is not very much of an issue, drinking and party is allowed, food is great, people are amazing . . . and yeah, girls are awesome. (<-TSS.)

Uncle: And they have cheap but FAST internet connections! You don't have to wait for buff..buff..buffering. :P

Daddy: You don't need to give them TIPS.

Uncle: You can find jewelries, great stuffs at the garbage can.

Me: Eh?! Really?!

Daddy: Yes. They usually throw it away when they thought they broke it or they find it useless already. That's why your sister has those things. (pertaining to my sister's latest pasalubongs)

Uncle: And they have great places.

Daddy: Prices at shopping malls are quite cheap.

Then, what do you dislike about Korea?

Daddy: Weather is SO compare to Philippines. SO hot and SO cold.

Uncle: Calling cards are expensive.

Daddy: Oldies are naggers and scream to much. Yell here. Yell there. Especially on bus or trains. Talking (even not so loud) can earn glares and a yell of "SILENCE!" And some are starting to have the "attitude", especially now that Korea has been improving a lot. And they are--well--racist?

Uncle: Yeah. They want to be superior/above all locals or other races. They are materialistic and they love to brag how they get stuff like this and that. That's the reason why  you can see "great things and they thought are not" in junk.

Daddy: The spitting and the farting too. It's okay for them but it's disgusting.

Can you share places you've been to?

Uncle : Jeju Island! It's a must go place in Korea. It provides great restaurants, resorts and tourist attractions! Especially the adults area! Haha! You can go to the sex museum and get amaze! No kidding! Hahah! and the Love land too!

Daddy: But there's Mini mini Land for kids.

Uncle: You can go to Hallasan mountain and try their oranges coz their so delicious! But quite expensive for a regular orange. The Sunrise Peak and Manjanggul Lava Tubes are very impressive (can be seen in Jeju).

Daddy: Mt. Seorak is a great place too. They have the Gwongeumseong Fortres which is a very great scenery and the temples too.

Uncle: Try Gyeongbokgung for historical views; the temple, grottos and museums.

Daddy: Busan! If you want to try out seafoods and the night life is great there! Try the Hauendae beach, it's a SPOT for summer and there's a lot of locals, even tourists, there during New Year's eve to watch the sunrise.

Uncle: And if you want shopping, go to HONGDAE. It's next to Seoul and it will serve you best if you're into eating, clubbing or shopping. This is a great spot if you want to spend time with "party" friends.


Let's Speak Korean!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon