Chapter 1

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Emma all kitted out in her finest winter coat and over sized knitted red scarf wrapped round her neck twice and her favourite red mittens and matting bobble hat, she stood outside her local Starbucks in Brighton, gigging about trying to get warm with her arms wrapped tightly across her chest. Emma watched as the hustle and bustle of busy shoppers and tourists walk along the main shopping street what the locals call western road in packs or in individuals carelessly walking past her carrying large Primark bags bursting at the seams with their well earned cash in their own carefree world or groups of young students travelling in packs talking and laughing not having any care in the world, Emma watched them as they past her feeling a pang of envy wishing she could go back to young, free  and careless with the word at her feet. The rather cold and blustery sharp westerly wind that blew right through you, the sort that blew right through to the bones of you. Emma pulled back the sleeve of her coat and checked the time on her new Daniel Worthington watch that she bought for herself as a pick me up.
The time read 10am exactly which was good as she was meeting her good friends, Claire, Alison, Rebecca and Jessica at 10amish for their usual catch up.
Rebecca's one of the first to arrive, she greeted Emma warmly always with a warm and embracing hug "Hi Emma, sorry I am bit late. There's no where to park in this town"Rebecca said and Ema nodded "tell me about it, it took me several attempts to find a space myself" Rebecca rolled her eyes.
The cold westerly wind blew  sending a shiver down Rebecca's spine " gosh that wind is freezing, shall we meet tother others inside?look these a spot by the window" Rebecca said pointing to the empty spot that just some one vacated.
" Yeah that's a good idea" Emma said cheerfully. Both girls walked into Starbucks, they walked over to the empty seating and sat down.Emma took off her bobble hat and took off her scarf and placed the scarf on the seat and tucked her hat into her black Michael Korrs bag.
A few minutes later Claire, Alison and Jessica arrived together, they spotted Emma and Rebecca already sitting in the warm waiting for them.
" Hi girls" Alison said cheerfully.
" Hi girls,have you both been here long?" Claire asked and they both shook their heads " No not long at all just literally got here" Rebecca said.
" I can't believe the weather it's freezing" Jessica said feeling a shiver crawl up her spine.
The girls took off their coats and placed them in the seats and headed to the check out. The girls chatted amongst themselves in the queue whilst they waited to be served. Once they received their orders they made their way back over to their table.
" So? How are things?" Claire asked Emma as she took a sip of her cappuccino.
" ugh...not good to be honest" Emma shrugged.
" What's wrong Em?" Jessica asked rather concerned for best friend.
" Well I guess I better tell you girls seeing as we're all together" the girls nodded for Emma to carry on.
" Me and Harry haven't been getting along for along time, I mean I guess I don't  really love him anymore and I am going to tell him" the girls gasped " what? You guys were the cutest" Rebecca shocked.
"  I know but he's just not the one, you know?" Alison nodded in agreement.
" how long had you been together?" Jessica asked blowing her rather hot Mocha.
" 4 years nearly 5 in December" Emma answered reaching out for her much needed gingerbread latte.
" I'm sorry to hear that Em but, if your not happy and you know he's not the one then it's better to let him know now rather than later" Rebecca said giving a Emma a weak smile.
After meeting up with the girls and talking about the whole Harry situation it helped Emma decide what she needed to do and soon.

A few weeks later :
It was a cold November evening and Emma was snuggled up on the sofa in her favourite super plush blanket reading a new book she bough the other day when she heard a knock at the door. Emma sighed shutting her book, quickly looked at the time which read 9pm.  Harry was right on time and tonight was the night she was going to end it with Harry. Emma mentally told herself not to cry and to keep her calm composure as she walked to the front door she not bothered to peek through the peep hole she slowly opened the door to see Harry standing in the hallway.

"Hey...Harry" Emma said opening the door to him more.

"Can I come in Em?" Emma nodded stepping as side letting Harry in and closing the door behind her.

Harry walked into the living room and over to the window which looked out to the sea and the sea front all lit up which gave it that extra sparkle. Emma walked into the living making Harry turned round to face Emma who had Tears falling silently down her cheeks.

"Em, what's wrong?" Emma walked over to Harry and placed her hand on his arm.

"Harry, I think we should....." Harry looked at the floor rather than look at Emma.

"Are you seeing someone else?" Harry questioned

"No, I think we should just take a break, that's all" Emma stated calmly

"What, do you mean cool it? Are you breaking up with me Em?"

"Harry, I...." Harry never got to finish his sentence.

"I know ," Harry said softly as he looked at Emma who felt tears falling down her cheeks.


"Harry, I'm sorry I care about , it's not you it's me, I just need time to think things over that's all," Emma said holding her hand over her heart. Harry followed Emma to the door and opened it once he was on the other side of the door Emma said the final thing to Harry.

"the only thing left to do Harry is for you to forgive me and I want you to forget me ,  I'm sorry but, I want to forget you" Emma slowly  shut the door shut in Harry's face only to never see him again since that night.

( well that was my first chapter of my first ever Christmas romance novel other than fan fiction. I hope you guys will like it as I really am feeling the Christmas spirit already and it's only October! Yes crazy I know but I just can't get enough of Christmas romance at the moment but the books out there are not what I am looking for and to be honest they don't really do it for me. This book won't contain smut I'm afraid it's a light hearted romance and the first part is set in Brighton, East Sussex , South of England so please shout out if that is your home town too . Please read, review and vote if you like the first chapter so I know I am writing on the right lines , many thanks guys and well enjoy -Carlykinz)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2017 ⏰

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