Where are you?

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(LOOK AT ME BEING A GOOD AUTHOR. Hello my mutants, so yes it happened, it didn't take me a month to upload but that because I saw a post on my wall and I was ask very nicely to update.... so I did. hope you guys enjoy and please if you haven't already, check out my other books. I have completed my Remy Lebeau/ gambit book, nightcrawler/ kurt wanger book, rapheal/ tmnt book.)

I started to slowly make my way back towards the clearly, but once I got there I wasn't sure where else to go. I saw that he was outside, but where? . I looked to my bleeding my arm to see my shirt had soaked in the blood but it wasn't stopping "shit" if the bullet it self didn't kill me, then the loss of blood would. Tarring a long piece of the bottom of my t-shirt I wrapped it around my wound to put pressure on to it, I hissed but it wasn't that bad, just need to get it patched up soon.

Suddenly the building started to shake, I brought myself to the ground looking around "what the fuck" I whispered as I waited. I wasnt sure what happened but within the minute it all stopped. I stood up and looked around, waiting for something else to happen, waiting for someone to so up. But nothing happened, I was so confused about what happened. There was only way to find out, however when I stepped towrds the door, I had another flash of a scene. It was bright like he was looking at the sun, I could hear his breathing, it was uneven and sharp, he seemed hurt. Once I was back I didnt waste a second, headed towards the exit.

My heart raced, my hands were shaking, but once I opened the door to out side, I was met with a gust of dust "* cough * v- victor!!... *cough *" I shielded my eyes as I walked out.

Soon enough, everything settled but what I was faced with was one of the towers... gone. It was crumbled, knocked down somehow "w-what.... victor?... VICTOR!" I suddenly remembered victor was out here, what if he's hurt... or- no he's not.

I held my arm as I ran towards the middle of the reck, I climbed on to a piece as I looked over "VICTOR!!" I called. I listened for him, for a faint voice, for a call for help, even just to see his dramatic ass walking towards me. I waited, but nothing came, I was left in silence "where are you?" I turned around and started to walk off, looking under things just in case he was unconscious but still nothing. I was getting really worried.

Suddenly the words of logan began to repeat in my mind 'i know him. He's a monster and he uses people' I actually started to think, was he using me, did he leave me. I thought of the last time I saw him, I thought of him when I was leaving. He seemed so worried, it would be heart breaking if he was acting. I remember saying 'hey look at me... i'll be fine... I love you' I smiled as I thought of his eyes, the way he looked at me 'i-i.... I love you' he was so relax, like he was so sure when saying it, he never wanted me to go, its difficult to think that he might of never really cared, I hope, I pray that it was real, that he really did love me.

I sighed as I looked to my hand, they're were shaking again, I was so fucked now, my arm was hurting, I was freaking out and I was having these flashes . I just wanted victor by my side, I forgive him for everything, i'm willing to let him explain and to somehow make it work. I just need to know if he's here, if he does care, if he does love me.

i was about to turn back and head towards the road towards the city, but I was soon stopped, the sound of a gun shot echo through the reck, it sounded close, too close for my liking "oh no..." my voice sounded so broken, my mind went to the worst thing " No no no!" I cried as I started to head towards the sound.

All I could hear was my breathing, I looked everywhere. I came up with the worst scenarios, each one made me run faster and made the pain in my chest grow. I could see a clearing a head, at first I only saw one person standing there but the closer I got, I noticed the body on the ground. I couldn't see who it was on the ground but I could see who it was standing "STRIKER!" I yelled as I felt the rage boiling in me, he locked me up, he did something to victor.

He looked my way, his eyes widened when he saw me coming right at him. My fits clenched as I got ready to beat him, but went I got close I caught sight of something in his hand. Striker raised his arm to show... A GUN. I tried to slow down but as I did I somehow skidded and fell to the ground, striker now had a gun aimed at me and I had nothing on me, I had no way of getting out of this "i knew you were trouble, Eloise. I told victor to drop you... but he just didn't listen" strikers eyes were never leaving me, not wanting to miss my end.

OHHHHHHHHH a cliff-hanger lol, sorry guys guess you'll just have to wait. Also if you didn't know, I'm in the middle of writing my own book. yes one that I have created, the characters are mine, the plot in mine and hell the generally universe its set in, is mine. I will update when that'll be a thing. so i hope you enjoyed  and if you did then please






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