Chapter Two: "If I Didn't See It Happen, Then It Didn't Happen"

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I walked into class and I sat at the table in the far back left corner. I always felt better sitting away from all of the people who talk shit on me. I heard my "name" get tossed around in a few people's conversations while Mrs. Flinn taught. I knew that it couldn't be anything good that they were talking about because I mean, there's nothing good about me. I heard Destiney say, "I've heard that Bailey wants to be a boy so she makes everyone in her family refer to her as a guy." She was kind of telling the truth. I am a boy and my family doesn't refer to me as a boy. So she was wrong about that second part.

As soon as class got out, I walked back into the same hallway. I felt a small push on my back and I slowly turned around. Bernard was standing there. I immediately froze in place.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. He grabbed my wrist and I tried not to make a noise. He looked down at my wrist and said, "I can't believe that I have more shit on you now! I can make your life an absolute living hell. I can't wait to tell people that the little baby girl cuts."

He walked away after that. I looked down at my wrists and they were bleeding again. All I could think about in that moment was, "Who told him? How did he find out? All signs point to the one person that I saw in the restroom earlier today, It was Evalynn!"

I can't just walk up to Evalynn and expect her to explain herself though. I don't have the guts to go up to her and deal with this. I'm going to have to do what I always do when I have a problem with something, well in this case someone. All I can do in this moment is walk to my next class, so that's what I did.

As soon as I walked into, Mrs. Peterson's, class I had people ask, "Does being emo hurt?"

What the actual fuck? How could someone even ask that question? Is there even an answer to that? How can anyone answer a question like that? Of course, me being me, I just had to walk to my seat and act like nothing just happened. That's exactly what I do everyday.

I went to sit down and Vicky just had to pull the chair out before I could sit down. I fell down and I lied on the ground. Everyone was laughing at me. It took every ounce inside me not to cry in that moment. I couldn't hold it in any longer though. The tears came, they were pouring out. I covered my face with my hands as the laughter continued, it just got louder and louder. I tried to sit up slowly but it was no use. I was filled with so much embarrassment that I couldn't even move. I was left there, lying on the ground, paralyzed.

The teacher was even laughing at me. I can't fucking believe this! The teacher is supposed to be the one to control the class and stop them from doing this kind of shit, yet she is doing absolutely nothing but laughing at me. What am I supposed to do about this? How do I deal with this problem? I can't wait until I get to go home. At least at home my parents leave me alone, for the most part.

I felt someone kick me in the side. I had extreme pain shoot up my body. It felt as if they had broken my ribs. I was still in shock to the point where I couldn't even make a noise. I removed my hands that were covering my eyes to see who kicked me. My eyes were filled with so many tears that it blurred my vision. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make out the person who kicked me. I just had to lie there and try to regain my vision.

At that point I knew, something else was going to happen. I was right. Someone came behind me, wrapped their arms around me, sat me up, and someone walked towards me. I thought it was the teacher, maybe even the Principal, but I was wrong to think that anyone cared about me. It was someone who obviously didn't like me. I felt the first punch hit my cheek.

I heard the teacher, in the background, say, "If I didn't see it happen, then it didn't happen."

That bitch! I knew she didn't care about me either. I felt another punch and the class was cheering.

I heard them say, "You go Evalynn, keep on holding her back!", "Yes, nice punch, Brian!", and "Kick her again, Vicky!"

It was at that moment that I finally realized no one can save me from this, NO ONE!

I heard a knock on the door and everyone shut up. Evalynn, who I assume was the one holding me up, based on the cheering, immediately dropped me and ran to her seat. I slammed back onto the ground and I hit my head pretty hard. I gained a massive headache.

I heard the teacher say, "Settle down guys, I need to answer the door!" I still lied there on the ground, crying, and bleeding from being beaten up.

Mrs. Peterson walked over to the door and opened it. It was Mrs. Flinn. "Your class is being so noisy! I can hear them all the way in my class!" Mrs. Flinn said.

She looked over at me and ran towards me. She grabbed me and shouted, "Who did this? Why would someone do this? Someone go get the Principal! Now!"

She was actually paying attention to me. She showed me care. I wish I wasn't so out of it so I could thank her for doing this for me. She saved me. Mrs. Flinn is my hero, for now.

The Principal, Mr. Markins, walked in about five minutes later. I was more than excited to hear him say, "Whoever did this is getting an in school suspension for a month! Mrs. Peterson, if you know who did this then you need to tell me. Did you watch this happen? Don't lie to me!"

Mrs. Peterson responded, "Umm, uhh." She looked at Vicky, Evalynn, and Brian and continued to speak. "I-I m-might k-know w-who umm d-did t-this."

She was speaking so quietly and she was acting so nervous. I knew she wouldn't tell him who did this to me.

Mr. Markins directed his sight to meet Mrs. Peterson's line of vision and he knew exactly who to punish. "Mrs. Victoria Lype, Mr. Brian Truman, and Mrs. Evalynn Myers, please meet in my office. Mrs. Peterson, I would like you in my office as well. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Markins looked at them sternly and patiently waited for a response. I was happy to see them finally getting yelled yet. Today might not have been that bad of a day after all.

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