Chapter 4- Night 3

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Just like the day before the day passed by quickly for you. You were terrified for the night to come. You didn't want to make your Uncle Gerald mad again.

Gerald hadn't even given you any attention that  day, it's as if he was ignoring you for his own good.

Your brother was too busy playing with his toys to bother seeing what was going on. You were completely fine with that. Uncle Gerald took you guys out for dinner that night because why not?

You guys briefly passed a carnival while driving home and you briefly saw a clown grinning at you as you drove past. You shuddered. Clowns weren't your favourite things to see either.

You guys reached home fairly quickly and your uncle was quick to shoo you guys to bed. Tonight was going to be different, you were bringing Freddy with you to see Tattletail. Who knows maybe Freddy would come to life and kill Tattletail for you. You fell asleep for a little while only waking up to hear a weird sound. You went out of your room and noticed that Uncle Gerald was once again surrounded by bottles. The sound was coming from the basement. Going down to the basement, you found the noise was coming from a bigger version of Tattletail aka Mama. There was a videotape next to her on the table. You put the tape in her and a story began to play. You were feeling bored while listening because who wants to listen to a tape when you could be sleeping?

Mama growled or that's what you heard at least. This caused you to be afraid. At the same time though, you were sleepy.

"Me Tattletail, me love you." Tattletail said from bellow you, startling you.

Tattletail was staring at you with a warning but you couldn't catch on due to feeling extremely tired. So you turned around and left the two monsters as you could call them, to their own devices. However the power went out. Mama wasn't a happy camper. Shaking, you turned on the flashlight. You spotted Tattletail and wrapped that little guy up, nice and tight with a  load of Apple Kicks duct tape. Tattletail wasn't going anywhere on anyone's watch. Despite Tattletail's protests, you shoved him into something more horrifying than a laundry machine. You shoved the sucker into a cabinet and locked the doors together by quickly taping the door handles together. You sighed in relief and turned around, noticing the mess that Tattletail had made by an accident. Or something. You quickly cleaned up and went upstairs. Uncle Gerald was still asleep but mama was nearby! She was near the tree!

You did yourself a huge favour and threw Freddy at her. Freddy bounced off of her hard shell and mama glared at you with those beady eyes. So you did the next logical thing to come to mind. You slammed the door shut to your room and locked it. Uncle Gerald didn't even stir from his slumber. You were safe..... for now.

Tattletail x Female!Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now