Part Fourteen

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"Gi please. Let's go back home."

"Not yet Bella. I need to know the truth."

"The truth about what Gi? Zayn isn't cheating on you. That boy loves you. Why would he-"

"I know Bella! I know he loves me, I know he's not cheating. But I don't know him. Zayn has secrets. We're about to spend the rest our lives together and he has secrets."

Bella sighs.

She was very worried for her sister.

"What's wrong with keeping secrets Gi? You went to go talk to your ex without telling Zayn."

"That's different Bella. I don't love Joe anymore. I have no feeling towards my ex and Zayn knows about him. Zee's still in love with this girl. He loves her and he's hiding who she is. Maybe they're still friends."

Bella stayed silent.

She knew Gigi wasn't going to give up till she finds out Everything.

She just hopes it doesn't drive her mad.
"I want to release Sweet Creature."

Harry had finally got the courage to get out of bed.

He needed to release his album.

He needed to let go of the past and start a new future.

Even if that future didn't include Zayn.

"Are you sure you want that song on the album Harry? Wouldn't it be too innocent for this specific album?"

"I don't want all the songs on the album to be more mature. It's a bad rep for an album."

Everyone eyes widened.

By the tone of his voice they knew he was talking about a specific person.

Harry closed his eyes before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I just- I'm stressed out. I'm ready to release this album and start something new. I want to give my fans words that meant something to me. I don't want it to be about sex and drugs just because I'm not in a boy band at the moment."

Everyone nodded understanding.

"Every song on this album is a reminder. A reminder that I was once in love. That we had good times, bad times, and terrible times. It's something not only for the fans to listen to but for me as well. It's time for a new beginning. It's time to move on."

Of course his team didn't know who he was talking about. But they did know he was in love. They knew from reading every last word he wrote.

"It's time to move on."
"What are you cooking?"

Gigi turned.

Zayn noticed her eyes and nose were red.

She had been crying.

"What's wrong beauty?"

Zayn frowned.

"I- it's nothing Zayn. I'm just- I'm just emotional."

Zayn pulled her closer to him.

"Come on Gi. You can tell me anything."

Gigi just looked deep into her fiancé eyes.

She noticed something.

He looked at her with affection.

But it wasn't the affection he use to hold in his eyes.

It wasn't the affection she saw when they met for the very first time.

It wasn't the affection he had when they first started dating.

This was different.

This was an platonic affection.

Gigi wanted to break down but she remained neutral.

That's when she knew.

Zayn still loves his secret ex lover.

"Dinners almost ready."

She had lost him.

I'll proof read whenever ☺️

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