Part Seventeen

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"How's Harry doing?"

"He's fine. We're trying to cheer him up a bit. He's been down."

Kendall nods.

"Do you think- do you think he would ever hurt himself?"

Niall eyes widened.

"I- I hope not."

"Don't worry about me."

Both Kendall and Niall turned and saw Harry along with Liam and Louis.

"We're just concerned about you."

Harry rolled his eyes.

He wasn't a child

People need to stop treating him like one.

"Well stop! I'm not the one you should be worried about."

Harry barked.

But he regretted it as soon as he said it.

That was a secret between him and Zayn.

Louis rolled his eyes.

"I hope you're not talking about that asshole? He doesn't deserve our concern."

"You don't know Zayn like I do."

"We know him plenty Harry. You may have had a secret a relationship with the fucker but we were a band for five years before he left."

Harry laughs bitterly.

"None of you hardly know him. You don't know his story- you don't know why he- why he truly never wanted to come out."

"He didn't want to come out because he's a coward."

Harry screamed in frustration.

"You know shit Louis. Stop pretending you know anything about him."

"You're defending the guy that broke your heart Harry. He kept a secret from all of us. In fact you both did. You- you didn't tell us about your sexuality."

"He didn't tell you anything because he was afraid what you would think. Zayn has lost people in the past for telling them. He didn't want you to judge him. He didn't want to be kicked out of the band. And in the beginning- in the beginning I felt the same way."

"It doesn't excuse him waiting five years harry."

"He had other things to be afraid of Louis. His dad would disown him."

"How would he know that!? Maybe Yaser would accept-"

Harry laughs.

"Yaser wouldn't approve. He freaked out when he found out that Doniya was Bisexual herself."


"Yes. Why do you think she stayed with Zayn until she got back on her feet? Her parents kicked her out Louis. Zayn knew if he came out he'd be in her position."

"Then why didn't he tell her?"

"Because he hated himself. He hated himself so badly he would-"

Harry stopped himself from talking.

He couldn't tell anyone.

That's something that's between him, Zayn, and Perrie.

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