Germany part 1

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  "Italy! Get back here." You heard a voice yell. 

You woke up. Sweating pouring off of your face and breathing labored. You felt like you just ran a marathon. Your heart still pounding in your chest. The cool grass beneath you was a welcomed relief. It didn't take you long to realize you no longer wore your prom dress but your work out clothes.

"Jou ok, miss." The voice that woke you was now taking to you. You pull yourself in to a sitting position. Germany, yes Germany from hetalia, stood over you.

"I-I'm fine." You say slowly still trying to make sense of what was going on.

"Zhat's good." He offered you his hand to help you up.

You took his hand curiously not sure if you were dreaming or not. He pulled you to your feet with very little effort. 

"Your Germany...right?"

"Ja and your (country name)?" You nodded unsure why you did it just felt right. 

You stood there staring at each other until you realized you were still holding his hand. You pulled your hand away jolting him back to reality. A dust of pink played on his cheeks.

"I should go find Italy." He said before leaving.

He walked away and you tried to run your fingers through your hair only to be stopped by your hair clip which had the Germany flag on it.

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