Russia part 1

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  You woke up to see a bright blue sky above you. You lay in the center of a field of sunflowers. 

The calm breeze moving the clouds slowly. You began to notice you weren't wearing your 

(favorite color) prom dress any more instead a white summer dress and your shoes were gone.

"How beautiful." You comment.

"Da, it is." A male voice said coming from no where.

You sat up with a start. A man looking like Russia from Hetalia steps out of the sunflowers.

"I must be dreaming but hey let's go with it."

"Who are you?" You ask playing dum.

"I'm Russia and you must be (country name)."

"(Country name)? Sure why not."

"I'm so glad I get to met you first, Russia." You said fiddling with a ring on your finger that just so 

happens to have a Russia flag on it.

 "You'll be my friend, da." 

You giggled. "Yeah." 

Russia suddenly lied down beside you looking up to the sky. You smile and lie back down beside 


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