The Siren's Call

442 18 5

So I don't know. Compared to other fics I'd say I update pretty fast. *Shrugs*. But like I said, I'm kind of drowning in schoolwork. Good news (sorta) is that my sleeping schedule's all screwed up so even if I wanted to get a good night's sleep, I wouldn't be able to, so I am here instead!

Also, 5 words short of 4000 last chapter? Sheesh, don't know what I was thinking. I doubt I'll be able to match that again.

Art Cred >> Nokken, Kim Myatt on ArtStation at (and found on Pinterest)

I still own nothing...

And that's it. Yeah.


A lithe, silvery body slipped through the waters. You'd think it was a mermaid. And you'd be correct. She was a mermaid. But not the kind you'd see in fairytales, no. She had a mouth full of gleaming white teeth, all sharpened to a point. Her hair was long and matted with seaweed and the bones of small fish that had been unlucky enough to cross her path. Her fingers were claws, and her tongue flicked in and out of her mouth like a deadly black ribbon.

And her eyes were the worst of all.

Her pupils were tiny slits, far too much like the unblinking eye of a snake. They were bloodshot from the salt water, and no iris surrounded the black. No man in his right mind would ever consider going near her.

Her silvery tail flashed behind her as she raced through the water, her unnatural eyes fixed on a small silver fish. In one smooth movement, the fish was snatched from its path, still wriggling. Her claws dug into the fish's flesh, drawing blood.

She chuckled to herself. No man in his right mind would ever come near her. No, that's why she had her song. She grinned; it was a truly ghastly sight as she wrenched her mouth into a toothy half moon. The fish had ceased struggling, dead in her hand. The mermaid closed her eyes and sensed the water around her.


The blood had attracted something else. Something bigger. Something great.

When she opened her eyes, she saw what she had sensed. A great white shark, some 13 feet in length. But alone. That would prove to be a big mistake. The shark circled the mermaid warily, not quite close enough for her to attack, but not quite far enough for her to lose track of it. That would have to change. In a swift move, she took the fish and ripped it to shreds, red blossoming through the water. The shark, clearly incensed by the blood, started circling closer. And closer. 

And closer.

With a screech that vibrated through the water, the mermaid called for the attack. Now surrounding the shark were ten mermaids just like her, claws and teeth at the ready. Unblinking eyes fixed on the shark, they went on the attack. Within seconds, the shark was nothing more than a skeleton that sank through the watery depths. But not even as large a meal as that was enough to keep the mermaids sated.

They swam off to find their next meal.


Arthur wasn't all that bad, you had to admit.

Ever since that odd day, you and Arthur had started opening up to each other. Of course, you weren't best friends yet, but you certainly didn't hate each other as much as you had before.


You hear your name and turn around from your incessant mopping, though the accent is a dead giveaway.

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