11-Coming To An End

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Kiah POV

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Kiah POV

It's been 4 days since king went into a comma. I just feel sick I barely do anything anymore. Javan has to make me eat and sleep I just don't know what I'm gonna do if I lose the only parent I got. I pray that he wakes up soon I want to give him a chance this time. I didn't know he meant this much to me. I walked in to hospital at the usual time and went straight to his room. I sat next to him , the doctor said talking would make him wake up sooner. I think im gonna try it out.

Hey umm I know I'm not the best daughter to you but I really want you to wak--- I couldn't finish I broke down and cried. Then I felt a hand touch my head. I looked up to see king. Wide awake I jumped over the bed and hugged him tight.

Jason POV

I'm really worried about Kiah she barely does anything. Im not sure if or how I can help her. King being in the hospital got my head fucked up but I gotta keep things running for king. So I been making moves and keeping my crew tight. I finally found out it was Shawn who helped with all this shit so I roll up with Jacob and Kendrick so we can get this nigga. He snuck in from the back and caught him fucking sum hoe. I shot him in the leg and dragged him out and threw him into to back.

"leave that hoe here she ain't see our faces we good." I yelled seeing Kendrick about to shoot her.

We got into the car and headed to the trap. Shawn was mumbling under his breath I ripped the duct tape I had from his mouth.

"wtf yo bitch ass got to say " I yelled back at him

" I'm your brother, you gonna kill your own blood?" He spoke up

"nigga wtf are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"I'm ya brother, mom was pregnant u might not remember it but she was only 7 months when she was killed but I made it no thanks to you or King." He said

Javan POV

King is finally awake but Jason ain't answering nobody's phone calls. That's weird but at least he no were near my babygirl. I been doing everything I can to comfort her. Now that Kings awake maybe she won't be so sad. I miss seeing my baby smiling all the time.

Weeks later

Kiah POV

It's been a couple weeks since king woke up. I been spending alot of time with him. Jason is around and constantly flirting with me. I'm loyal to Javan so I completely ignore him. I been learning how to run things I'm thinking about taking over for king when he dies. I know Javan won't like it but I think I can do it. I think everything is coming together in my life.

Niah POV

Today I'm finding out what the gender of my baby is I'm so scared I want a boy because girls are too much to handle they get pregnant and they have periods that's just too much. Me and Jacob are walking into the doctor's now.
We walked up and sat down.

About five minutes later they called us to the back I laid down and they put that cold ass gel on my stomach again. Then the doctor did his thing but he looked a little concerned I was worried is my baby okay. Then he smiled this big smile and whipped the gel from my stomach and sat down and his little roll chair.

"well now you I have a little bit of good news and a little bit of bad news. The good news is the babies are healthy the bad news is we didn't know there was babies. Well the one in the front is a boy but he has a very little sister laying beside him the only reason why we haven't seen her is because he's so big and she's average size she's been snuggling behind him the whole time but no baby has three arms so she must have raised her hand and let me know she's here." He said smiling at us.

All I could do was cry I'm having two little angels. One boy one girl damn it I got lucky with the boy but how am I going to raise this girl. I don't want her to grow up in feel like she has to be with a dude to make her feel better I want her to be educated and smart and love herself. With a boy it's easy he's got to tell him he looks handsome in the morning make sure he dress nice keeps his head in the books and not the streets and he'll be fine.

With the girl is so much harder I was worried about me being a good mom but now I'm even more terrified. How am I going to leave my baby girl in the right direction if I didn't even go in the right direction I don't want her to end up anything like me. Don't get me wrong I love Jacob and the fact that I'm going to have his kids but I wanted how to be married and be in a higher place in my job before having a family. I don't know what I'm going to do. I put on a smile and me and Jacob left. He seems to be so happy how can I possibly be sad that I'm having two little angels. I just hope I don't mess them up.


I'm so happy that Jayden finally forgave me. Everything has been going great with us. He gives me good dick all the time he curves hoes for me I curve these niggas for him everything is just great.

Deashonda POV

Me and Kendrick are very on and off. Sometimes I just want to love him and support him then the next I think about what he did to Ryan and I just lose it and know I should forgive him because Ryan dumped me but Ryan had a daughter what if Ryan would have died because of me a girl would have to grow up without her father a girl that's already growing up without a mother. And that's what bothers me Kendrick will kill anybody and I wish he would just get out of the game I wish everybody would get out of the game how is Niah going to raise her kid with Jacob always at the Trap? But then there's this part of me that really loves Kendrick so I've decided to just let the whole Ryan thing go. Life is too short to be living in the past I'm just going to love my baby all I can until I can't anymore.

Destiny POV

I finally got over Sincere he will always be my first love but me and Kaylen are so in love. I wake up every day in his arms and I love it I can feel my life slowly but surely all coming into place. He decided to get out of the game he has a really nice job and so do I. This way when we decide to have a family they can grow up in a nice home. King was understanding and didn't go after him for getting out honestly I wish all of them would get out. For the last couple months all of us have been getting closer Jacob Kendrick and Jaden are all really smart and they all have college degrees which is funny because the only reason why they all got into the game was to pay for college and to support their families but now they're done with college and their family is okay but they still do it and I don't know why maybe they're just so loyal to Jason. I don't know what it is but my baby finally came to his senses and decided to get out and I'm so proud.


Me and Miya have had our problems in the past but lately we've been getting along great we're thinking about adopting a kid together you know having a family. Everything is going good. I think all of our lives are finally getting to a point where everybody's happy no drama no killing no dying think everybody's finally going to be happy for a long time not just weeks or months years even.

______Very very short chapter ik ik but the book is coming to a end there will on be about one or two more chapters. I don't know if im going to write a sequel or not comment if u want a sequel💕______

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