13-The Final Goodbye (Pt 1)

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Kiah POV

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Kiah POV

It's been a week since me and Jason came up with the plan. The plan was fairly simple.

The plan.
Me and Jason were going to King's office and slip poison in his drink. We got a special kind of poison so that when people examine him it'll look like he just had a heart attack. People would think he died of natural causes and nobody would question anything the Empire would go to me and I would step down and give it all to Jason and his family.

I know it sounds bad to be trying to kill my own father but he did horrible horrible things and he needs to pay for them. It's just business as he would say.

Jasons POV

Kiahs plan is brillant honestly I was just going to run up on him shoot him and leave it at that. She way I get to get my revenge and take over the empire. I love kiah so much but she's happy with Javan and I'm not going to break that up. The fact that she's willing to kill her own father because of the wrong he did to me shows that she's a really good person and I'm glad I had the chance to be with her even though I messed it up.

Niah POV

Everyone is meeting up at my house kiah told us about the plan. So we all decided that we were going to move. We're going to move to Los Angeles together. We found this huge mansion with over 200 bedrooms 14 bathrooms a pool and a huge backyard in a secluded place. We all decided to live here together with all the money that Kiahs going to have with running the empire she said that she was going to pay for the house in full so we would never have to worry about mortgages or anything like that. Then shes was going to hand the empire over to Jason and we were going to go about our lives like we've never had anything to do with it. Honestly I can't wait till we can all live in that big house together. We'll all get to raise our children together grow old together then pass it down to our children. Only thing we're going to have to worry about is that damn light bill all them damn people in there but we're all going to have jobs so we're going to be able to pay it. I just can't wait for our new life to start all together no violence no drugs just a big old mixed family in a big ass mansion. Because we're family might not be by Blood but we're family.

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