Friendly Visits

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Wow. This got to 100 views. I really wasn't expecting it so thank you all so much.

"Oh come on Joker. You would've done it before." James said and the pilot rolled his eyes. "Yeah that was before I almost lost another Normandy and Shepard again. I'm not going to try and lose anyone or anything else." He replied and Shepard put her arm on James' shoulder, looking at Joker. "What are you two arguing about now?" She asked and James sighed. "I asked Joker to go back to Tuchunka but he's worried about the damn Thresher Maw we delt with last time we were there." He replied and Shepard rolled her eyes. "Joker set a course to Tuchunka. I'll see if Wrex has heard anything about it. If not, we're landing." She said, walking away and Joker mumbled something. "Joker." She said loudly only to receive of sigh.
Garrus, Shepard, and James stepped out of the shuttle before Cortez flew back to the Normandy. Shepard took notice of the plants growing around the world that once was just rocks and dirt. The three made their way over to the old Krogan speaking with other clan members. Shepard stopped dead in her tracks, as if she was frozen and about to cry. Her eyes stayed on a statue of Mordin "the Salarian hero" as said on his plaque. "Mordin..." Shepard mumbled to herself, her eyes watering before she shook her head. Making the tears disappear. It's not like Shepard didn't want to cry due to her closest friend's death being reminded of her, it's just, she can't.
She felt like she couldn't show weakness, especially in front of the Krogans and her friends. The last time Shepard cried, it was due to Thane's messages to her but not a single person knows about it besides Kolyat. "Shepard, I thought Wrex was joking when he said you lived." Bakara said, making her way towards the female. "He doesn't lie often. Especially when it involves me alive or his war stories." Shepard replied with a smile. It was nice to see Eve still around and with Wrex, though a bit weird since Shepard isn't so use to female Krogans. "Speaking of Wrex, where is the lovable killing machine?" Shep asked, only getting an irritated sigh and a point of a figure towards a Krogan in red armor, obviously belonging to Wrex and Grunt standing next to him. "Thank you Urdnot Bakara."
She replied and began walking to her friends with the two men behind her. "Grunt, Wrex, looking a bit annoyed aren't we?" She asked and Grunt rolls his eyes. "The old man won't let me have my men back." He replied. "Only because you almost got them killed with the Rachni." Wrex said. "That was awhile ago and you're still mad about it?" Garrus asked, and James looked almost as confused as the small Krogan next to Grunt was. "Yes I'm still mad. Those were my best clan members, believe it or not. And they had to help some people evacuate when you Turians planted a bomb on my planet." Wrex replied coldly. "Not this again. Wrex, it's over with, just forget about it. Grunt, give Wrex some time before asking to take the men who almost died back on a mission. He's lost a lot of friends before and he shouldn't lose more." Shepard said, stepping in. Grunt frowned and looked away, clearly hurt she took Wrex's side.
"So when did you put the Mordin statue up?" Shepard asked, trying to sound normal as tears threatened to fall. "After we came back from fighting the Reapers. There's a few of them for him. Most of them are near the old lab." Wrex replied and she nods. "Thank you for putting them up. I know you two didn't get along with each other most of the time but I know this would mean a lot to him." She said with a small smile and Wrex nodded,  "Well he deserves it. We weren't going to make multiple but Bakara thought he deserved more than just one." He mentioned. James casually walked over to one of the Krogan mechanics, buying some part before coming back to the five. "I'm ready to leave." He said and Shepard rolled her eyes.
"Well then, I'll see you guys later. Come to the Citadel sometime so we can hang out." She said and made her way to the landing pad.
"Hey Shepard? Do you think we can visit the Fleet?" Tali asked as the two stood in the mess hall. Shepard raised an eyebrow at the Quarian, not sure if she wanted to ask why but her curiosity got the better of her. "Sure but care to tell me why?" She replied. The Quarian shifted, and frowned under her helmet. "Kal died on our home world and I wanted to give a speech about the people who sacrificed their lives for our home. I was suppose to do it awhile ago but after you were gone, I couldn't do it." Tali replies and Shepard gave a frown. "I'll have Joker send a message to the Fleet asking permission to go and when they say yes, we'll go." Shepard said and Tali gave her friend a hug. "Thank you Shepard. This means a lot to me." Tali replies.
"Tali are you sure you want us there with you? Your other admirals didn't seem to like me after last time." Shepard said, walking onto the ship, quickly receiving looks from Quarians standing around. "They've learned from their mistakes last time." Tali replied. Shepard gave a small nod as the three walked around. "Tali' Zorah Vas Normandy, what on Earth are you doing here?" Admiral Koris asked, clearly not wanting the girl there. "Admiral Koris, great to see you again." Shepard said, crossing her arms across her chest. "Ah... Shepard nice to see you once again." He mumbled and Tali cleared her throat. "Koris, I'm here because I think it's time to give the speech for the fallen." She said.
Shepard noticed that it was hard for Tali to say that. She wanted to say something to make her friend feel better but she had no clue what to say. "We'll get it started then. I'm sure Raan would want to see you as we get ready." He said and she gave a small nod, walking away from him. "He's still an ass." Garrus said and Tali laughed lightly. "Not really that surprising. He has always been like that." Tali replies and Shepard shook her head. "Fucking Qwib Qwib...." She mumbled to herself. "Who the hell name's a ship Qwib Qwib?" She asked loudly and Tali smacked her heavily bruised arm. "Shepard, stop. We're not here to make my people more mad at you after bringing an active Geth one of your last visits." She said and Shepard sighed.

Wow this is shitty. Enjoy and have a nice Christmas break

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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