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❝ freshly, la la la light up my love ❞

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❝ freshly, la la la light up my love ❞

next morning, you washed your face thoroughly and did your other necessities. you said goodbye, grabbed your backpack, and happily left to go to school. the weather decided not to be on your good side, and rain started pouring from the sad sky. you securely covered your not so dry hair with your cozy hoodie, and carefully ran to school.

as you looked around the familiar school, you searched for jeno in the big crowd. you suddenly felt sadness overwhelm you. "looking for me?" jeno gave a tap to your shoulder, slightly surprising you. "ah !" you covered your mouth as soon as you saw him and smiled. "wah, you scared me" you playfully hit his shoulder in response of teasing. "well, at least you look adorable when you get scared, heh" jeno softly speaks but turns into whispering into the last part. "hm?" you keep eye contact with him as you push your hoodie down, fixing your hair. "o-oh nothing, let's get to class" jeno smiled as you happily followed him.

lunch time rolled by, which felt like a thousand years. you stood up from your seat, and left to get lunch. the lunch line took for some time, so you had to wait for some time. you slowly sat in the empty lunch table, and set your lunch on the table.

"hey, isn't that jeno's girlfriend?" chenle joked around, causing jeno to snap out of his daydreaming. the boys slightly pointed at you, making jeno admire you. "no time for lovey dovey staring, let's go to here, c'mon jeno" the boys already started walking over to you already as jeno was left behind. "you can hang out with is now, don't worry, we don't bite, right jaemin?" jaemin looked offended by the maknaes remark. it made you laugh, it made jeno's heart race faster.

"they changed my schedule, so i have p.e with you now, i'm sure it'll be fun" jeno mentioned while he calmly ate his food. "that's exciting to hear, i don't know anyone on that class" you smiled as mark looked offended. "hey, i'm in your class !" mark mentioned, making you giggle. "i'm sorry, i didn't really noticed, that's good" you smiled at mark. the bell shortly ringed right after, making you jolt a bit. "we have p.e next, let's go" jeno hurried over as you had to catch up to him. "wow, she didn't even throw away her trash, am i the janitor now?" chenle sighed, picking everyone's trash.

"i'll see you in a bit" jeno and you parted ways to the locker rooms, making you nervous to change in front of other girls.

the teacher hurried us over to the gym, where the classes where all crowded in. first, you were confused, people were playing basketball, volleyball, and different sports. you spotted jeno with other guys that seemed to be older, they seem a bit scary to you. luckily, you built up courage to go and talk to jeno, precisely.

"there you are, you wanna play basketball?" jeno requested, as the other guys kept their stare on you. you scooted closer to him, "are they gonna play too? they seem scary" you looked at them one last time. "right ! guys, come over here" jeno signaled them to come over to the spot. "this is the girl that i was talking about" your heart beat faster. the boys introduced themselves as taeyong, johnny, jaehyun, and yuta. "h-hi" you waved at them. "get to work !" the p.e teacher yelled, making you guys play basketball.

p.e ended, making you guys go separate ways again. "wait, what's her name again?" yuta asked, jeno happily responded. "(y/n)". "she's adorable, i'm too old" yuta fake cried, making the guys laugh. "yeah, she is..." jeno responded.

as you headed back to the locker room, you made your way to your section. "so, then we made out in the hallway, i liked it" a random girl spoke out loud, she was quite obnoxious. you finished changing into your normal outfit. "and also, he- oh my god, i'm sorry" she looked apologetic enough. she spilled a red sugary drink on you, making you speechless, you simply nodded and changed into your gym clothes. you tied your messy hair into a ponytail, sighed, and exited the gym.

the bell rang just in time, jeno catched up to you, he eyed you. "why are you wearing your gym clothes? did something happen?" he asked.

"ya, some girl just spilled something on me, it's no big deal" you crossed your arms, covering your arms and chest, you felt uncomfortable, you didn't say anything. thankfully, jeno observed your behavior, and he sweetly offered his jacket to you. "here, you look uncomfortable, just bring it tomorrow" jeno gave you that one smile. "i was hoping no one would noticed. thanks for noticing, i'll bring it tomorrow, bye" you got into your next class as you wrapped his jacket around you, to your amusement, it fit you big, you shaked it off.

for some reason, you day dreamed and accidentally sniffed his jacket, it smelled sweet, expectedly. your heart raced at the thought of him.

is this love? ↜

author's note: lET JENO SING MORE SM 1!1!1! and thisstory is inspired by so many soft anime :)

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author's note: lET JENO SING MORE SM 1!1!1! and this
story is inspired by so many soft anime :)

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