chapter 5

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    After my last visit to grandpa, living with Tom and Susan had become bearable again.
I found it weird that gramps gave me that rusty ol' pendant, but, hey! It was gramps, and if he wasn't weird like that then he wouldn't be my Grandpa.
   "I wonder why he says I shouldn't take it off. It's itchy as hell" I grumbled, scratching my neck a little, before adjusting to a more comfortable position on my bed.
  It was the weekend, so that meant, more time with the 'family'. I had to get out of bed at some point though. I sighed dramatically as I got out of the bed and headed downstairs.
   "Krissy!" Jeremy squealed excitedly as he spotted me coming down.
   "Mommy, look! Krissy is up!!" He said clapping his hands excitedly.
   Susan, who was busy in her little kitchenette, spared me a glance, before she continued whipping up whatever the heck she was making.
Jeremy was a good kid, always chirper , but I learnt to stay clear of him. Tom wouldn't have it if I tried to be close to his family more than necessary. But Jeremy was too young to understand the tension and what not that hung around the house. He was oblivious to my avoiding him and still followed me around, but he was smart enough to do it when his father was away.
   "Morning bug, is Tom still at home?"
I asked as I ruffled his hair a bit, before grabbing the remote, throwing my body on the nearest couch.
   "Tom honey daddy went to work" Jeremy said as he squished his tiny body in between my arms and held my neck. I chuckled at his new name for Tom.
  Since I called him Tom, and Susan called him honey, and he was obviously his dad, Jeremy taught it was a brilliant idea to call him all the names at once. Tom was furious, saying I put the silly name in his son's head, and I should stay away from his son. Well Tom, tell your son to stay away from me.
   "Jeremy Christopher Higgins, let go of me, I'm trying to watch t.v and your massive head and chocking isn't helping" I grumbled at the four year old.
"B-but Tom honey daddy isn't around and I want to play with you. I never have to play with you anymore." He mumbled as he let go of my neck, while folding his arms around his chest with a frown as he faced the t.v, grumbling about grown up weirdness.
  The smell of pancakes filled the place, making my tummy grumble. Jeremy laughed at my monster stomach before Susan called him to have breakfast. She didn't call me, but I followed Jeremy anyways because I knew my plate was served as well.
   "Susan", I mumbled, nodding towards her direction as I sat, waiting for her to finish up with Jeremy and hand me whatever she would.
"Christabel, how have you been?"
She asked out of obligation, not that she really cared.
"I've been better" I mumbled, picking at my nails.
She sighed tiredly as she gave me my portion of pancakes, passing me the maple syrup as returned to chopping apples for Jeremy.
"Krissy! Mum makes the best pancakes" Jeremy said through a mouth full of pancakes, giving me a food grin.
  "I guess she does bug".
I sighed silently, before saying a short prayer, as I dug into my breakfast.
I finished up quickly, before washing off my plate in the sink.
  " thank you Susan " I whispered loud enough that she hears.
She tensed a bit, before she went back to what ever she was doing, completely ignoring me.
I shrugged it off, before heading back to my room. I got on my old laptop, as I played my favorite online games, waiting for time to roll before I could get ready for work.
    I worked at a little diner just a few blocks away after school hours so I could earn a few bucks.
It wasn't much, but it kept my mind off so many things, like Tom, and I had friends there as well.
I subconsciously touched Gramp's pendant and smiled, shooting an an enemy spy with my sniper as the other players congratulated my sharp eye.


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