Cliche #2

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If a person knocks another out and takes their uniform, it will fit perfectly, irrespective of the relative size, sex or even species

Example: *knocks out 6'4 security guard* *is 5'4* FITS PURRRFECTLY OMG! THIS IS MY NEW STYLE *looks at the back of the suit* he had a nice butt. AND IT STILL FITS OMG *squeals with person next to them*

Why This Is Annoying: I mean like.  Wouldnt being in a movie be awesome? Like a girl who has this outfit you want and bam! You knock her out and it fits purrfectly. I mean like if you have courage...but anyways. Reality people! You would have to knock out like an identical twin. Who are same size and weight and all of that crap.

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