The African American dies first
Example: I won't put like a example here since I don't want to offend everybody.
Why This Is Annoying:
I actually searched this up and it had died down. Like now only 10 percent of African Americans die first but almost all African Americans in movies die at some point. Here is an article from Wikipedia proving my point:
"Black or any other characters from minorities are often the first ones to die within horror films.[1] While it is not necessarily true that these characters die first, they almost certainly die at some point in the movie.[8] Complex did a survey of 50 horror films that starred black characters, finding that only 10% had black characters that died first in the film; however, a great deal of those characters still died at some point in the movies.[1] On top of their imminent death, these characters are also notably given a lack of character development, especially in comparison to white counterparts.[1] According to Valerie Complex in her breakdown of the development of black characters in horror, black characters stand a greater chance of survival if they are teamed with a white woman by the end, if the entire cast is black, or if the villain is a black person. However, Complex also reveals that black characters who survive the film almost certainly die if there is a sequel.[1]"
100 Movies Cliches
RandomBook #2 in the 100 something series :3 Read Book One first please and thank you WELCOME BACK Y'ALL! This time my cringeness is back...WITH A NEW BOOK THIS IS WERE WE TALK ABOUT THE ALL ANNOYING CLICHES ON MOVIES! "Let's go check this out" Boom Dead...