12 Grimmauld Place

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"Second door on the left," Mrs. Weasley said as Harry walked up and found the door and looked at the dark surrounding of Grimmauld Place. It was dark full of cobwebs with lots of rooms with a huge staircase he spent quite a long time looking around when he heard a squeak and he heard a familiar voice. He barely opened the door when a girl with tawny brown hair swept him up in her arms and squeezed him, she didn't let go and started to cry slightly before letting him go and then Hermione then kissed him on the cheek before her anxious look returned on her face. Ron flushed a tiny bit but Harry new also he was a bit miserable because he liked this girl called Lavender, who liked Victor Krum and was writing to him, which made Ron more than a little jealous.

"I wanted to write, honestly Harry-" Hermione began "I've looked it up, they can't expel-" but she was interrupted by Ron

"Yeah she literally has a sack of letters," Ron said taking out a small bag of letters and handed them to Hermione who shot him a venomous look as she turned back to look at Harry who was giving her a weak smile

"Dumbledore made us promise not to," Hermione said squeezing Harry's hand she looked like she was going to cry so Harry rubbed her shoulder

"It's ok, anyway I'm probably going to get expelled," Harry sighed as Hermione's eyes welled up and she hugged him again, Ron went to get Fred, George, and Ginny. Hermione took this advantage and she leaped on Harry again and kissed him passionately she then broke away she looked into his eyes she could see that something was bothering him and she squeezed her hand and urged him to tell her, and with a deep breath he did. "Hermione have you had nightmares? Of Cedric?" he took another deep breath as Hermione slowly nodded and gave a weak smile.

"Yes, and I've seen this place in the Ministry and Voldemort," Hermione said Harry hung his head and Hermione looked at his defeated look "so the dementors when they attacked you and your cousin, are you ok I mean-"

"Yeah," Harry said remembering Hermione could enter his mind but they were still getting used to it "thank's for worrying about me all summer," Hermione looked puzzled then her face warmed, Ginny came in and slouched against the wall so did Fred and George who smiled and saw Harry's face, he smiled and searched through hid pockers

"Hey instead of all this glum let's do something fun," Fred said as George pulled out an extendable ear and they walked to the staircase they hung it down and Harry shuffled out the room with Hermione who was still shaking slightly. The heard muffled voices from inside the room which was locked up, 'if anyone has a right to know it's Harry,' that was Sirus' voice 'he's not ready!' Mrs. Weasley said 'he's not your son,' Sirus said 'he's as good as,' Mrs. Weasley said which Harry smiled at. Harry mind was flickering, what did he need to know about that was so secretive. Just then Crookshanks came and started to play at the ear,

"No, leave it!" Hermione said "Bad Crookshanks, Hermione blushed badly when Crookshanks took down the ear and dragged it away with Hermione flushing.

"We'll be dining in the front room-" Mrs. Weasley said 'CRACK!' Fred and George appeared beside Mrs. Weasley "just because you're allowed to use magic now it doesn't mean you have to use it every minute!" Ron and Ginny slinked past Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasly ushered Harry and Hermione inside. They sat and ate, everyone was there, Lupin, Sirus, the Weasley; Ginny was still eyeing Hermione with an annoyed look, Tonks, Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt and many others. Tonks was entertaining Ginny with her shapeshifting powers changing her face often soon it emptied slightly until on Harry, Sirus, Lupin, and Mrs. Weasley were in the room.

"So Harry do you want to know what we were talking about before," Sirus asked earning a glare from Mrs. Weasley

Harry pondered a little as he was already having a hard time "Er- well just not yet, you know with my hearing,"

"See!" Mrs. Weasley said, "he doesn't need the pressure, why don't you go up to your room?"

"Ok," Harry said he wondered of hearing Sirus and Mrs. Weasley arguing he walked into the room thinking about the last forty-eight hours he had been attacked by a Dementors, been rescued and now Voldemort had a secret weapon, and by looking at Hermione's face she could see how he was feeling. He decided to go straight to bed and waved to Hermione and Ron and slumped into the farthest bed and lay down, he could hear Ron snoring away when he felt a soft force on his head. He leaped up and saw a teary-eyed Hermione goggling at him, he let her sit down and rubbed his scar which was burning.

"Are you ok?" Hermione asked, "Are you nervous?"

"I'm ok," Harry said, "Bad dreams and nerves," he felt as Hermione swept him up her arms and squeezed him with a bone-crushing hug.

"Have you seen him?" Hermione asked

"Yes, he wants something, and he's looking for something that he didn't have last time," Harry said as Hermione nodded

"I've seen him too," Hermione said "the thing he wants is in the Ministry," Harry nodded

"At least that means he might not be after me for the whole year," Harry said smiling slightly before he winced a bit as his scar throbbed

"It's hurting again," Hermione said she looked at Harry worriedly then she let out a shiver before rubbing her head Harry nodded as Hermione kissed him on the cheek and hugged him her eyes dripping as she rubbed her head on his shoulder.

"Are you ok," Harry asked looking at Hermione

"Yeah it's just I've seen your worries," Hermione said "anyway get some rest," Hermione climbed out the bed and walked over to hers as Harry drifted into a slumber he had dreams of the Ministry, Dementors, and Hermione.

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