Sorry about that rewrite typo, new bee problems. Anyway hope y'all like the next chapter. To make it up to you I will make the next chapter funny and maybe romantic. So here it goes...

Chapter FÖŪR:

Luna and her secret admirer

ooh ooh ooh!


We were just staring at Carly, half of us just surprised she built up the immunity to talk to us and the other just in shock. Shocked that she wanted to talk to Miller, out of all people, the shithead Miller is who she picks. I mean I love him and all but he really is a head full of air. Not even Austin! I mean common that's typical, main cheerleader dates sports star. So why not ask him?

Anyway Carly walks over and asks Miller,

"So I have a serious question."

"Me. Oh your talking to me?"

He responds quiet sheepishly

"What the hell Miller are you deaf I just told you something looking directly at you! Who do you think I'm talking to!"

"Well look what bitch woke up on the wrong side if the bed."

Luna replied. Feeling pleased with her response.

"Oh shut up it's not like you could look any prettier!"

Suddenly Austin walks by. It seemed as if he was listening to our whole conversation.

"Actually she could, she can look much prettier than you!"

He replied, following with a wink to Luna, and then a call me sign to finish it off.

"Oh be quiet!"

Luna replies, not seeming flattered.

"Oh just go out with the douche already!"

I replied. I mean they've been crushing in each other for years and I mean years. Luna just plays EXTREMELY hard to get.

"Umm EXCUSE ME!!!!! I was trying to ask a SERIOUS question!"

"Calm your freakishly small tits Carly, we were just talking. God you have a really small attention span."

Carly just pushes her bras up obviously hearing what I said, making herself have more cleavage, although she needed a lot more if she wanted to impress anyone.

"So what's your serious question?"

"Ok so there's this guy... and.."

"Ok ok if you wanted to just boost your self esteem by just telling us how many guys like you (which is not a lot) then you can just walk away."

"No that's not what I was saying!"

"Ok continue on then princess."

"Ugg, ok well this guy wants me to ask one if you out."

"Whoa whoa Lesbi honest here honey we umm I mean umm..."

"NO NO EWWWW! I didn't mean it that way"

"Well geeez, you suck at getting to the point don't ya!"

"Whatever, he wanted me to ask one of you out for him."

"Wait me?"

Miller asks.

"No you sick fuck!"


"Did you think the guy's gay?"

"Well no but, umm well.... this is awkward."

"Yes, yes you did."

"Well anyway, whoever the guy is I bet he wants to ask Violet out. I mean who wouldn't, she is the prettiest girl in school."

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are and you know that."

"Ok ok fine maybe I might be, but I'm pretty sure the guys not asking me out. You all know who I like."

"Oh yea, Dallas."

"Hey he's a cool guy."

"I never said he wasn't. Anyway who did the guy want to ask out Carly?"

"He didn't want me to say his name until you agreed to go out with him. It's not that he's scared, but just thinks he'll be rejected."

"So pretty much me or Violet are agreeing to go out with a guy we don't even know?!"

"Oh, you know him all right."

"So will you?"

"Which one of us, oh I mean, Violet, will you?"

"Actually Luna it's you."

"Boom called it!"

I yelled. A bit too loud actually because the whole cafeteria was staring at me.

"Really, are you sure it's me?"

"Yea really fucking sure. So is it a yes or a no cause I gotta go."

"Well.... um...."

"We'll not wanting to sand around you so long I'll let you decide. Ok so if it's a yes meet him at the Starbucks right next to school. And if no leave a note in locker 069 that saids, "Sorry -Luna."

"Ok I'll do it."

"Ok so yes it no?"

"I'm not telling you bitch."

"Well ok then slut. I won't see you around. Bi."

"At least people can't see my panties."

She said to that only we could hear.

She what I mean Luna's hilarious.

That day after school Luna and I had talked and she agreed to give the guy a chance, whoever he was. She decided that hanging around guys is fun but having a guy to hang with is even better.

Luna made her way over to Starbucks although she doesn't particularly like it.


God this is such a white girl hang spot. Why would a guy want to meet here?

I look around and only two things catch my eye.

One; a really old guy sitting at a table making out with his coffee mug. God get a life, or maybe a wife even. And the second thing is Austin sitting alone, by himself at a table.

Could it that maybe he was the guy Carly was talking about?

No, no way!

Wait why do I even care.

Except for the fact that we've been crushing on each other since like 3rd grade.

Wait it's to good to be true, his Lacross buddies just sat down with him.


The next thing I knew I had passed out on the floor!

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