Uh I Think We're Lost

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Chapter Eleven:

Uh I Think We're Lost


Austin POV:

Everything was in place. And

to think this was all for a

girl. Violet was his girl, they

were practically perfect for

each other. His plan was in

action. He would signal Miller,

Sam, and Devan too use the

bathroom excuse and then

take Violet and ask her his

"question." Maybe even ask

her out. Yea never mind he's

not that brave, but maybe

just maybe. He should just

man up and ask her and then

he could stop complaining and

would be happy like me

and Luna. And then I could

finally stop listening to his

girly "does she like me" and

"was that flirting" stories. I

love him in all like he's my

brother and all, but he needs

to stop the catty chat.

Anyway once he asked her his

question I wonder what he's

gonna do next he said he

was gonna wing it. Which is

never good because he sucks

at winging it. Oh there goes

Devan. He is such a bad

actor. Ooh wow there goes

Sam I think she could have an

acting career. And now it's

Miller, Violet and Jake. Oh and

there goes Miller he doesn't

even has to act, he drank all

that Sprite he shouldn't have

to. Violet's face is priceless

she is bright red!!! Damn and

so is Jake, he's such a girl.

There they go! Shit that

sounded really girlish. Oh look

Luna's back good luck man.

This shits gonna get real

soon. Hopefully. Oh hey babe.

There they go look. I

pointed as Luna's hand met

mind and then they

intertwined with mine and

were pulled back down where

our hips met still being

intertwined. "So what's

exactly going on here?" Well

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