Chapter 1

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Christie's POV
The full moon was finally over. I just woke up from falling asleep when I turned back human. 'I hate full moons' I thought to myself as I got up and dressed. I had finished college already a few months ago. I was studying to be a teacher for high schoolers. I was going to be teaching English. I loved to read and write so I thought about it for the last few years of high school and decided on teaching. After I got dressed I walked out of the underground area up the stairs and to my house. I was going to the high school to fill out an application. I was also going to see Tyler I haven't seen him in almost 5 months. He didn't go to my graduation because he was out of town with his friends. I was taking a shower and after that I got dressed and blow dried my hair. I then did my hair and makeup.

I looked at myself and thought 'Damn I look good for a teacher

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I looked at myself and thought 'Damn I look good for a teacher.' I smiled, grabbed my keys, and walked to my car.

It was very expensive

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It was very expensive. I drove to the school. I could feel eyes on me as I parked my car and got out. I saw Tyler and he saw me. He ran to me and hugged me. He picked me up and spun me around.
"Christy what are you doing here?" he asked as he set me down.
"I'm applying to be your new English teacher. Like my car?" I asked as I saw him looking at it.
"Where the hell did you get it?" he asked.
"My ex bought it for me before he dumped me," I said smirking.
"He was an idiot. I don't know why he would dump you I'm mean you do have the Lockwood looks," he said as people gathered around my car.
I locked the doors and said, "I'm gonna go to the office. Make sure no one touches my car and I'll let you drive it."
"Really?" he asked.
I nodded as he told everyone to step away from the car. I walked off and to the office.
"Christy Lockwood look at you. All grown up and beautiful," Mrs. Brooks said from behind the counter.
"Mrs. Brooks looking as young as ever," I said smiling.
"I assume that your he to apply for the English teacher position," she said and I nodded.
She smiled and handed me the paperwork. I filled it out and handed it back to her.
"I'll be right back," she said and left.
She came back about ten minutes later and said, "You got the job."
I smiled and thanked her as she gave me the keys to my new classroom.
"The old teacher quit yesterday but her stuff is still in there. Just use that for today, sweetie," she said and I smiled while nodding.
I walked out and to my new classroom. Tyler saw me and chased me down.
"You got the job," he said.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"There was a student in there when Mrs. Brooks told you. News gets around the school fast," he said.
"I'll see ya' in class by little brother," I said and walked away.
I went to my classroom and opened the door. It looked the same so I decided to change the desk around. The bell rang as I finished that and wrote my name on the board.
Miss. Christy Lockwood
I looked back to see Elena Gilbert in my class along with all her friends.
"Most of you already know me. I'm Christy Lockwood. Tyler Lockwood's older sister. You can call me Christy or Miss. Lockwood. Either one will work with me," I said smiling.
They all smiled back at me. I could tell that they already liked me.
"So what were you guys learning from your old teacher?" I asked.
"We were writing an essay," said a girl in the front.
"What's your name," I asked.
"Destiny," she replied.
"Why thank you Destiny but no one likes a suck up. So forget what you were doing with your old teacher you have me now. And I'm much more fun," I said as everyone laughed at what I said to Destiny.
Destiny glared at me I looked at her and said, "Would you like to go to the office? Or will you stop trying to make my head explode with your mind?"
She quickly looked down and I said, "Wonderful now I want you each to stand up and your names."
They all did what I told them. I smiled at them all as the bell rang.
"Tomorrow you all will be learning actually stuff," I said.
They all walked out as my next class walked in. Tyler was in it. He smiled as he sat in my chair.
"Brother get out of my chair now or you don't get to drive my car," I said and he quickly got out of my seat. He sat at the desk in front of my desk.
"Okay as you can tell my name is Christy Lockwood. You all probably already know me as Tyler's older and better sister. And you all are correct, I am better. Okay you can call me Christy or Miss. Lockwood," I said smiling.
Tyler raised his hand and I asked, "What is it Ty?"
"Why are you the better sibling?" he pouted.
"Cause I said and I have a job and an awesome car," I said.
"That's true, have you guys seen her car yet?" he asked the class and they all nodded their heads.
"I want you all to stand up and introduce yourselves and yes even you Tyler," I said as he began to raise his hand.
He groaned but did it anyways cause he knows I can fail him.
-Time Skip-
After school I meet Tyler outside and handed him the keys.
"We're going to moms," I said as I got into the passenger seat.
"So tell me little brother have you broke the curse?" I asked since he already knew about the werewolf curse, and the other supernatural since our uncle Mason told him at dads funeral.
"Actually yah I did. But it was an accident I swear," he said as we drove.
"Don't worry I understand. It was an accident for me to," I said smiling sadly at him.
We pulled into the drive way when we saw a car that neither of us recognized. We looked at each other and shrugged getting out of the car.

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