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LIA HAD FINALLY cracked. She couldn't take it anymore. She ripped the lid off the medicine bottle, pouring out a handful of the pills inside. Engulfing them in one go, she forced the bitter tasting pills down her throat.

She caught sight of herself in the mirror, a girl with smudged mascara, a runny nose, and dark circles under her eyes.


She screamed in a psychotic tone

The next thing she knew, mirror shards were scattered across the room, and she was left with a bleeding hand.

She let her troubles out in the most deafening pitch, yanking tightly at the roots of her ebony hair. It had only been a week since the incident, but she just couldn't bear it, not anymore.

The troubled girl dropped to floor, breathing heavily, her palm placed over her heart,

Exhausted with emotion, she lay, a complete mess, silently weeping in the corner of her bathroom.

The pills began then began to take effect.

And onto the white marble floor, face wet with tears, and stains of blood

She lay pale,



Hazel eyes fluttered open, to a room of clear white. She awoke and the scent of air conditioning and aspirin had hit her. Scanning throughout, Lia realized she was under the sheets of a white hospital bed, in a brightly lit white room.

"Good morning sweetie,"

With a startled jump, she turned around to meet the owner of the voice.

A girl with a chestnut complexion and ebony curls, sat cross-legged on a similar hospital bed, a somewhat mischievous smile planted face.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cearra" She waved cheekily from the other side of the seemingly small room.

Lia, despite being in oblivion, tried to be polite "I-I'm Lia," she took a moment to recollect her thoughts "Where are we?"

Cearra chuckled at the confused Lia's question, "We're in the hospital, silly"

"Yeah, b-but how did I get here?" Lia's soft voice trembled.

"Oh I don't know, but with all the screaming you had done in that bathroom, it would have clearly gotten someone's attention right?" The chestnut skinned girl explained casually, pointing out what she overheard from a doctors explanation.

"Oh, I see" Lia steadied herself up on the bed, still fidgeting uncomfortably with the new setting. She was left even more confused when she realized her hand was unscathed from the mirror shards, but she was so sure they had cut through her skin.

Cearra then lied down on her stomach facing Lia and rested her face in her hand. She let curiosity furrow her eyebrows as she began to speak.

"Hey, Lia?"


"Why did you try to kill yourself?"

The question had hit Lia right in the gut, a ping of guilt slapping her across the face. She whisked her head around, to face the curly haired girl.

"How did you come to know?"

Cearra then went on to explain she had overheard the doctors converse about Lia's suicide attempt by overdosage.

Lia held her head down in guilt, knowing what she had done.

"I-It's a personal r-reason"

Cearra understood immediately, tried her best to refrain from any more questions as such.

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