03 - lie

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PEDRO ESTELLE WAS always are wonderer.He took his time to appreciate the small things that the infinite universe had to offer. He never stressed about his financial problems and he didn't enjoy drowning himself in work.

Instead he would be fascinated by how his bread dough would rise with time, and how his pastries would expand to the heat in the oven. The baker never had a chance to attend school growing up, and so unlike most people, he never tried to find the rationally logical explanation. Because he didn't need to know the factors to why something was happening, as long as it was something good.

He didn't dare to question happiness. He just let fate do it's work and the universe turn it's gears.

Those were the thoughts invading Pedro's mind as he watched the two girl's scarfing down the chocolate caramel cookies in front of him. Cearra had burst into laughter at her own joke, her mouth covered in crumbs, and Lia sat just next to her, unamused and simply focused on the biscuit in her hand as she stared into empty space.

"Cearra mi princessa,"

Cearra choked a little at hearing the old man speak, this was not good.

"Mind telling me why you're here? Is it semester break yet?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows as wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

"Um-uh..si papa" Cearra lied as she scratched the back of her head, giving off a smile with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Lia wasn't surprised at the brunettes white lie, she wouldn't want anyone to know that they had spent the last couple of hours sneaking out of a hospital room, stealing motorcycles and rampaging through the busy streets of the Colombian city. Though she couldn't understand what he mean't by the later part of his question.

"How is college my peaches?" He asked.

"It's wonderful, though I'm feeling the stress a but recently" Cearra chuckled nervously "Lia's my dorm mate, and I thought I would bring her here over the break since she has no place to stay"

Lia scrunched her face in confusion. What was she talking about?

"Why-aaah!" but before she could protest she felt a kick under the table from the curly haired brunette.

"That's nice of you, how long is your semester break?" Pedro asked, not noticing the ebony haired girl's slight yelp.

Cearra faced the confused girl beside her as a she plastered a smile on her freckled face.
"Thirty days"


"And this is my room!" Cearra jumped as she dramatically swung open the doors.

"You live...in the bakery?" Lia questioned, analyzing her surroundings as she caught small things of large significance in the curly heads room. She noticed a frame of a seemingly younger Cearra and Pedro, along with an unfamiliar boy. A handful of paintings had decorated the bland white walls, adding a splash of excitement. It made Lia wonder if it was Cearra who painted them, since the art style seemed to be similar in each one.

Though the first thing Lia noticed was that the room was a burst of bright colours, mostly a lot of different shades of pink. She caught sight of the many stuffed toys and decorative pillows. Whatever the reason, Cearra's room seemed a lot of fun.

"No silly," Cearra giggled jumping into her beloved bed a little more enthusiastically needed, "I live on top of the bakery"

Lia rolled her eyes as she slipped the bulky backpack off her shoulders and onto the carpet floor. "Mind explaining to me what you told you dad downstairs?"

At Lia's words the brunette immediately stopped jumping.

"Oh you see sweetie, it's a funny story," She chuckled nervously rubbing the back off her head, as she crossed her legs on the pink bed "Papa Pedro, nor anyone that close to me know I have leukemia"

Lia blinked in confusion fixing her glasses on the bridge of her nose.What?"

"So if anyone asks, I'm a Cambridge student finishing off my last few weeks of college and you, darling, are my dorm mate, and both of us right now are spending semester holiday's together"

The brunette haired girls brows furrowed together as she settled herself on the edge of Cearra's bed, "Why doesn't he,or anyone else for that matter, know?"

"Because I'm not going to be a burden, he already dealt with enough of the world's sick problems, and I'm not planning to add up to his worries," she explained, "He's sacrificed enough much in raising me, since mama left, he doesn't need to worry about my problems and I'm not going to let papa do that"

Her tone was not of empathy or sadness, rather it was assertive, as if she was making a bold statement.

"How about all your treatments, how did you pay them?" Lia asked.

"Student loan" The brunette answered, making quotation marks in the air with her hands.

Lia's questions only grew more after Cearra's little speech, but she decided to save them for another time.

Cearra then threw a neon pink pillow at Lia's face, breaking the tense atmosphere. "Enough of this sappy talk, sweetie we have a list to finish" she exclaimed, rolling out the paper.


"Cearra my love, It's only been a few hours since you got here, do not, and I repeat, DO NOT even try to mattress-surf down these stairs" The old man demanded with a flip flop in his hand, ready to beat the girl's head.

"Too late papa, I'M RIDING THE WAAVE" Cearra had gotten out her air mattress and she glided down the wooden stairs, like surfing a rough wave on the sea.

"I'm so sorry Mr.Estelle I tried my best to stop her" Lia pinched the bridge of her nose as she watched the immature girl, attempt to go back up the stairs again

"Call me Pedro dear," He chuckled, patting the petite girl on the back,"and don't worry, she was always like this"

Try mattress surfing, ( like in princess diaries) ✔️

H E L L O <3
this was a fun chapter to write, also maybe the reason I didn't lag on the update like usual so yay :D

This chapter also revealed a teensy light into Cearra's back story, I know things seem really confusing right now but I promise things will get clearer as the chapters come :)

Chapter dedication to *drum rolls* ChocoDarling23 because I love you boo <3 and Cearra's persona is totally referenced off of her, guess who that makes Lia? lol

Thank you so much for reading, leave a comment or press that little star down there,and you've immediately made my day <3

Until the next chapter
-xoxo annabelle

Word count - 1001

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