02- escape

53 7 27

GABRIELA HAD MADE her way to room number 74, a tray of medications in her hands just as per daily schedule. The petite Mexican nurse softly knocked on the door, receiving no reply from the other side. She checked the room number again - she was definite this is where Cearra and the new girl were admitted. A smile crept on her lips just thinking about her long term patient.

Cearra Estelle- she had admired that girl unlike any of her previous patients. There was just this spark inside of her, like there was a fire in her eyes and the flames crept to her heart with burning passion. She seemed so fearless. So adventurous.

She reminded the Mexican of her early teens,the rebellious years of her life. But Cearra was just so much more.

Inhaling a long puff of oxygen, she knocked again, this time calling out the girl's name. Though her efforts eneded in vain as she still received no reply.

Impatient, the nurse forced the door open slowly, whilst balancing her tray carefully on the other hand.

"Cearra? Mi Chica ?" She called out softly enough so she wouldn't make anyone jump in surprise, but loud enough to be audible.

Gabriela then let her fingers slip, and the tray she held came crashing onto the tiled floor, the numerous bottles of medicines shattered ever so easily. The shards scattered across her feet, causing a disastrous mess. The nurse cupped her hand over her mouth, to muffle her shocked yelp.

The beds were empty and barren,the bleach white blankets and pillows, thrown across the room like the aftermath of a middle school slumber party.The window was left wide open, the satin white curtains waving around frantically with the gush of the wind.

Gabriela found a bright pink post-it note placed on Cearra's bed, with what she had come to recognise as the cheeky girl's messy handwriting.

Good riddance Oakdale Medicals, we're never coming back-xoxo Cearra and Lia

"Oh god, this girl" she face palmed.



Cearra enthusiastically screamed twisting the handles of the vehicle, as the engines roared similar to that of a hungry lion.

Behind her was seated Lia, her arms in an aquiver as she wrapped them tightly around Cearra. Merely two hours ago they had somehow sneaked out of the hospital, and now they were speeding across the city streets on a motorcycle with bulky backpacks strapped behind them.

"Wait where did you get a cycle from?" Lia questioned nervously as she tried her best not to get slapped with her own hair, as it danced in the air with the strong wind

"I may or may not have borrowed Doctor Hendricks keys as we sneaked out" Cearra chuckled sheepishly.

"you WHAT-"

With Lia's expected shock, the curly haired girl roared the engines louder, interrupting her whilst mid-sentence.

"EXCUSE ME, COMING THROUGH, WATCH OUT" Cearra screamed warnings as she crashed into a tropical fruit stall, broke a beautifull designed park gate, ran over a field of tulips and scared the living daylights out of a hefty number of dogs in the area.

"Do you know how to drive this thing?" Lia whined, tightening her grip around the hyperactive driver.

"Nope" She let out amusingly, as she knocked down a few potted plants aligned along the street. Almost, almost running over a stray cat.

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