You mean it?

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The next morning I got up and entered my usual routine of having breakfast, taking a shower and brushing my teeth. After I finished watching the morning news, I said goodbye to my mother and began the journey to school. 

The wind blew through my hair. I sucked in the fresh air and walked to the station, crowded with the people heading to school and work. The station was loud and I slipped through the many pedestrians. When I finally sat down I sighed, but not two second after Katsuki dropped down in the seat next to me. He sunk into the chair and mumbled a, "Good morning." Unlike me, he hated the morning and that could be read from his face. 

"Good Morning, Katsuki," I replied softly. "How did you sleep?" 

"Not enough," he replied rubbing his eyes. "Tsk. Why does school have to be in the morning?" 

"Well... I'll admit; it's annoying, but it will probably always be like this."

He didn't reply tot his, closed his eyes and rest his head against the chair. I fumbled with my fingers for a bit and then looked at him again. He looked peaceful with his eyes closed like that. His even breathing silent. "Ka-chan?" I dared. He slowly opened his eyes and turned them to me, waiting for whatever I was about to say. "Ano... Did you... do your homework?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"That goes without saying." 

"Good, good... uhm..." 

"Are you trying to force a conversation?" I didn't reply. "Don't do that. Let it come if you are interested in something. Just talk about that. Not about stupid stuff." 

I was silent for a moment. "Homework isn't stupid stuff, Ka-chan." 

"You know what I mean!" His little out burst made me laugh. "Tsk," He sat back down and I focused on the buildings passing by.

When we started nearing UA. I asked. "Do you want me to go ahead?" 

"Why?" He had his hands in his pockets. 

"Uhm. I mean... maybe you don't want to be seen with me?" Ka-chan stopped dead in his tracks. "Uh- Did I say someth-" 

"Stop joking around." 

"Joking I...?"

"You wanted to be friends right? Then why don't you want to walk with me?" 

"But I-"

"But what? I don't give a damn what people think." 

"Ah- I see. Alright." 

"Let's go," Ka-chan added before he started walking again. A small smile crept onto my face.

Bakugou X Midorya [ We're Friends Right?]Where stories live. Discover now